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Albino's are human too so stop treating them like they have no blood in their vein, stop belittling, undermining and pushing them away like a plague.

It was on a beautiful Saturday where there were list of countless occasions to grace. I did my daily routine, had my bathe and dressed up for the most important occasion of them all. On getting to the venue of the occasion everywhere was filled to the brim, there was no single seat left for me to sit on. I perused through the crowd only to notice a very beautiful and elegant Albino lady, dressed in the most gorgeous materials and attire have ever seen but looking so morose, I also noticed empty seats around where she sat.I moved towards the lady's direction but noticed how drawn back she was.

Notwithstanding, I took a seat beside her and started a conversation with her. She first withdrew but I never let it deter me, i continued the conversation until i noticed she had relaxed. She didn't know when she opened up on her pain, how people stay away from her like a plague, how people refuse to associate with her and how she's being laughed at.

I made her understand how beautiful she is and how she's the very best of her kind, made her know how her beauty drew me to her, held her hands and introduced her to few of my friends. Took her to meet some guys I noticed were making fun of her,they got talking and finally realized how intelligent, beautiful and smart she is. She was so happy, expressed how terrific it was to finally feel among.

Don't hurt them because they are albino, never dehumanize them. Their skin is beautiful and remember they are somebody's sister, husband, wife, daughter, brother, son, mother, father.
Show them love
Make them happy


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Word count: 312

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