"Air-clinic writing contest: Poverty, The Elder Cousin Of Diseases!


It was a sunny day, at Micheal's house where we all usually go play video games after our various chores at home. On the other side of the building there lived a farmer Mr Jacob with his wife and eight children all living together in a small cubicle.


Observation from various angle showed how things where with the family it was terrible you could use any other word to replace terrible it was that bad, even with the farming they could barely meet up with their rent neither could they feed themselves, the children were highly malnutritioned, and the worst part of it was that the children where all still very young and their dad Mr Jacob was the bread winner of the ouz, he strive to make sure things are partially okay but it wasn't enough.

The problem all began on a die hard hot afternoon

Unknowingly to us all Mr Jacob had appendicitis, left with him he thought he was having a regular pain day to day, seizing of legs, he couldn't complain to anybody first of all because he's level of illiteracy and his family where also on the same picture, neither could he go to the hospital because he had no money, couldn't afford to pay for counseling either.

Moreover not knowing to us he had already had s ruptured appendix which left him in severe pains for sometime until he collapsed one day and was rushed to the hospital where he was diagnosed with appendicitis but it was too late for Mr Jacob he died the next day after severe pains and trying to do all his best to provide for his family at the end they where left to tend for themselves.

Gradual eradication of illiteracy will be of good help in fighting poverty and a monthly income to all less privilege from 17 and above and an awareness program on how your present can affect your future if not properly attend to.

Word count 329
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