
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus.

Generally abortion has become a normal thing for young ladies to be precise, it's like an everyday thing.

Although abortion is wrong cause it's a deliberate action and taking the life of an unborn child, whom you don't know what the future holds for, from my view that's a deliberate murder.People do yield to the advice of abortion due to an unwanted pregnancy caused by an unprotected sex(intercourse).

In some cases abortion has caused internal bleeding without been known, damage of the wombs, some ladies can't even give birth again due to excessive abortion or even a one time experience of it, like the saying

"You can't eat your cake and have it".

So many young girls, youths even advance women have lost their lives through this practice.

However there are countries prohibiting this act and countries enacting it vice versa, there are ways in which abortion can also be avoided because some couples do participate in this act they do have a reason for it though. It could be they already bargained for more than what they actually wanted, or they do not wants kids at all/not ready.

The practice of safe sex use of contraceptives can go a long way in avoiding abortion.


There's no health benefit in abortion it only causes pain, life risk, taking the life of an innocent soul yet to see the world and know what's install for him/her, could even be a great person with a priceless ambition.

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