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The idea of self medication being a very dangerous quest can barely be over emphasized. It is important to note that the cause of illness is usually identified before the administration of drugs. In most cases individuals engage in self treatment without knowing the cause of their illness.
Self medications are also called non-prescription/over the counter drugs and are available without a doctor's prescribtion. They are sold all around us today, in buses, road side mobie shops and are even hwaked by people who have no idea or knowledge of drugs.

The Dangers Of Self Medication

The repercussions of self-medicating potent drugs such as antacids, laxatives, antibiotics and many more are sometimes more harmful than the original symptoms of a particular illness.
Self medication most times arises from different causes. Most people lack the financial ability to see a doctor while some lack the time commitment because doctors often require various test and scan results to properly diagnose an ailment. Prescriptions, may also come from friends or relatives who were previously affected by the same illness or from the internet which has recently proven to be a sole source of information.
Some of the dangers are highlighted below:

Over-dose and Death :-

Over-the-counter prescriptions usually come without a diagnosis which leads to treating an illness with the wrong kind of drug. Over-dosing of some certain drugs can lead to death.

Habituation and Addiction :-

Habitual use of some potent drugs e.g codeine most times lead to a dependency on such drug to maintain a sense of well-being most times leading to addiction.
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Drug-Drug Interaction:-

Some drugs negatively interact with others during their curse of action. For example, Alosetron should not be taken with caffeine because it increases the blood concentrations of this drug leading to life threatening side effects.

Health first, Avoid self medication

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