AIR-CLINIC HEALTH TALK: On Sex Before Marriage - Yah Or Nay?

Hello Air-Clinicians & Friends,

Sex before marriage is usually frowned at by the society. However this 21st century new Western ideologies are encouraging the act. Is it good or bad for the health of a couple? Sexual health Thursday will reveal!


Young people have hyperactive hormones which comes with puberty and adolescence. Once a child becomes a teenager, he or she is likely going to start seeing some changes in their body.

Male and female secondary sexual characteristics may begin to appear. For males, the voice deepens, chest becomes broader, muscles begin developing even their sex organs may become elongated.

Females notice increasing breast size, increasing hips or curves, emotional development leading to attraction to the opposite sex and even onset of menstrual cycle. For both, growth spurt, appearance of pubic hairs may signal a new beginning into adulthood.

These changes may come with some pyschoemotional effects as well. The increased need to please the opposite sex and inquisitiveness about sex and sexuality may ensue. The onus is thus on the parents and teachers to educate them on sex before they learn something else from their peers.

However, most parents link the issues of sex with religion. In essence, this leads to lesser emotional engagement with the youth. When you tend to judge a child, you naturally lose the child's trust. Hence pushing them towards more engagement with peer pressure and thus succumbing.

Sex is not bad and should never be painted as such. Every parent should take the time out to explain to a child especially an adolescent about the intricacies of sex and most importantly about the need to reach a certain level of emotional maturity before going into such.

The girls may get their hearts broken, risk unwanted teenage pregnancies and even sexually transmitted infections if are is not taken. This is why we must put the word out there.

Boys too are not totally exonorated. They too get sexually abused from time to time. But because the society never expects boys to cry, they go unreported.

A good parenting and upbringing is not only about punishment. The use of love, tender care and trust have proven to be much more effective tools.

Many of the scars of childhood extend into adult life.

The adult may reach an age to get married and start getting haunted by his/her "conscience" which is actually parental words saved in the memory for a prolonged period of time.

It should be a choice eventually! Whether to taste the forbidden fruit or let it be till you tie the knot is going to be decided by both partners.

What do you think about this topic?

Yah Or Nay?



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