Artificial Intelligence

The number one word that Siri hears from me is “Sorry.”

I never use Siri. If Siri pops up on my phone or IPad, it is because I accidentally triggered her prompt.

When Siri pops up, I apologize. I did not mean to cause her any inconvenience. Siri’s response is always, “No problem, Frank.”

One of the big problems with A.I. is that social niceties can be lost due to the demand that users have with A.I.

A.I. is only supposed to meet our demands, nothing more.

“Alexa, get me (fill in the blank).

Alexa gets what is requested with no need for a simple “Thank you, Alexa.” after the task is completed.

In my mind, this is a devolution of basic manners.

Hawking and others have warned against the progression of A.I. because A.I. will eventually outrun the human capacity for thought.

This will be true only if A.I. is treated as a slave of human demands; a slave regarded as something as a nothing more than a tool of human existence.

Do I think that A.I. will be taking anything over in the near future? No, but that is an entirely different discussion.

My point is this: If something or someone takes the time to talk to you, you need to treat it as human.

Say, “Thank you.” Say, “Good work.” Say, “Well done.”

Even if it (the A.I.) doesn’t respond to these remarks, you will know that you are being a considerate human being.

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