Table of Contents for My Wonderful Blog (about AI Prompt Engineering and more!)


Behind the Scenes of Soulful-Ease and the Wonders of AI

Unveiling the Wizard: A Passionate Prompt Engineer's Journey

Prompts Used in the Making of Guided Meditation and Hypnosis Scripts, Covered on the @soulful-ease Blog:

AI-Prompt Auditing Reimagined: Transparency and Insightful Techniques for Crafting High Quality Guided Meditation Scripts

Prompts Used in the Making of @soulful-ease Blog Posts:

Soulful-Ease Prompts Unveiled - Episode #1

Soulful-Ease Prompts Unveiled - Episode #2

Soulful-Ease Prompts Unveiled - Episode #3

Soulful-Ease Prompts Unveiled - Episode #4

Soulful-Ease Prompts Unveiled - Episode #5

Soulful-Ease Prompts Unveiled - Episode #6

Soulful-Ease Prompts Unveiled - Episode #7

Soulful-Ease Prompts Unveiled - Episode #8

Soulful-Ease Prompts Unveiled - Episode #9

Soulful-Ease Prompts Unveiled - Episode #10 - This is My BEST ONE Yet (very detailed)!!!

Blog Updates:

A New Frontier in AI-Promptwiz: Broadening Our Scope and Embracing Change

Revitalizing AI-Promptwiz: A Renewed Focus on Transparency

"Raw Chat Sessions" Content (copied-and-pasted exchanges between myself and ChatGPT in the making of blog-posts on Soulful-Ease) - Providing Full Transparency as to How Much "Influence" ChatGPT has on The Final Product:

"Raw Chat Session" (used in the making of "Better Charting My AI-Assisted Path - Bringing Full-Transparency Back to My Blog-Posts")

"Raw Chat Session" (used in the making of "Unlocking Transformation: A Journey Through Self-Hypnosis and Healing [Edited by ChatGPT]") - PART ONE

"Raw Chat Session" (used in the making of "Unlocking Transformation: A Journey Through Self-Hypnosis and Healing [Edited by ChatGPT]") - PART TWO (of Two)

"Raw Chat Session" (used in the making of "Powerful Self-Hypnosis Script, Co-Created w/ Claude 3 Opus - The Current LLM Leader!")

"Raw Chat Session" (used in the making of "Boosting Brain and Eye Health Through Diet: Insights from Dr. William Li")

"Raw Prompts" (used in the making of "Cancer-Fighting Secrets and Other Health Benefits of Seven Fruits (according to Dr. William Li)")

"Raw Prompts" (used in the making of "Crafting the Ultimate Self-Hypnosis Script: A Journey to Inner Strength, Empowerment, and Freedom")

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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