AgroTechFarm presents a cutting edge smart farming solution

Though agriculture may no longer be the single largest sector of the economy in developed nations, it continues to play a crucial part in our daily lives. Globally, the food industry remains a most lucrative and dynamic field, historically open to innovation whenever it can afford it. That means not only introducing new technologies and techniques to make production more efficient, but also accepting a dramatic diversification in terms of where and how food is produced. Changes in consumer habits and new technological developments have led to an organic and urban farming boom. More recently, the steadily advancing process of state-by-state legalisation of marijuana in the United States and elsewhere has created a thriving new legal cannabis industry that naturally has considerable overlap with innovations in food production.

Another area that has a great deal of synergy with cutting edge agriculture is the cryptoindustry. After all, both share an emphasis on technological innovation and decentralisation, creating economic opportunities for smaller players. Bitcoin miners have been using excess heat to grow produce for some time now. Growboxes, built on the principle of microclimate control, have been popular with much the same target market as cryptocurrencies. So perhaps it is not surprising that the AgroTechFarm company would turn to the cryptoindustry for help in crowdfunding its new project: a series of advanced smart farming appliances.

What are AgroTechFarm's products?

AgroTechFarm offers several different versions of its product, but the core concept behind them is the same. It is that of a roughly cabinet-sized smart farm that allows its owner to monitor and control every aspect of its microenvironment, from water and air to light and temperature, in order to create the ideal conditions for the growth of a specific species of a plant. It is highly precise and dynamic, allowing the full emulation of specific climates and day-night patterns. All that is required is an external supply of electricity and water (the intake of which can easily be automated), as well as seeds and nutrients (the composition of which can also be regulated). This control will be carried out in accordance with a specific program. Users will be able to use the default growing modes for popular plants or modify them or program their own, with the help of an interactive tutorial. It will be possible to monitor and manage the smart farm through its built-in touchscreen or from anywhere in the world by means of a mobile app or PC program. Sophisticated sensors will both provide users with full information about the microclimate and allow the device to adjust its processes to account for plant height and other changing conditions.

The company will offer different types of appliances for homes and businesses, with the main distinction being their size, as ATF Industial will support a more industrial-scale production of plants. There will also be different devices for tall and short plants. AgroTechFarm plans to support the cultivation of different species of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers or cannabis with one appliance and of strawberries, cherry tomatoes, salads and herbs with another. Eventually, the team intends to integrate blockchain technology in order to make the sensor data record completely immutable and transparent. The degree of flexible control over the farm granted to every user will depend on their level, though the basic functionality will be available to all. Upgrading to premium software will also grant access to additional recipes and direct communications with other users.

ATF token holders will enjoy considerable discounts for the purchase of equipment and supplies, implemented through smart contracts. Agricultural companies that use AgroTechFarm’s appliances will be encouraged to offer similar discounts to grocers purchasing food from them with ATF. Consumers would still have to pay retailers in fiat for now, but this may change as cryptocurrency payments become more widely accepted. Further ATF-i apps will be developed later as well, to support the creation of a decentralised organic food marketplace under a “Food for Tokens” model. Each ATF smart farm will be shipped with enough nutrients for one year of operations, and that it will come with a two years' warranty.

Who will benefit from AgroTechFarm's appliances?

AgroTechFarm envisions a wide variety of uses and users for its smart farms. The most basic use case is for ordinary people to grow produce at home, either for themselves or for sale, relying on the default programs that remove all need for expert knowledge. More experienced growers could, on the other hand, specify the conditions of their choice to grow more exotic foodstuffs. Naturally the smart farms should also find demand within the homegrown cannabis industry. Consumers will benefit indirectly from the ready availability of large quantities of fresh, organic food at lower prices, particularly as the food supply chain comes into its own.

However, there are many other possibilities. Restaurants and hotels would greatly benefit from being able to generate fresh supplies on the spot. Medical marijuana could be grown by hospitals or pharmacies. The degree of fine control and monitoring allowed by AgroTechFarm's equipment could prove very useful for laboratories and educational institutions whose research involves biology or agronomy. Potentially, whole companies could be built around industrial-scale indoor agriculture. It can also be used by humanitarian groups or government organisations to deal with urgent food supply problems.

What advantages does AgroTechFarm have to offer?

The AgroTechFarm company has been in business since 2012 and has extensive familiarity with the field of high-tech agriculture. Its expertise in advanced growing techniques was recognised during its participation in the CleanTech Russia 2014 conference at the Skolkovo Innovation Center and has contributed directly to the design of the smart farm. The company has numerous patents and a working prototype of the ATF Home appliance, while ATF Industrial is also approaching the prototype phase. The testing of its unique adaptive light system has recently concluded as well. As such, it is prepared to go ahead with this project regardless of the results of its crowdfunding initiative.

Smart farms offer many advantages to their users when compared to other forms of agriculture. They are much easier and more versatile to use, can be placed and controlled from practically anywhere, and are independent from the hazards of weather or soil conditions (as they do not use soils at all). They also can be optimised to provide much higher yields at better quality. Having a precise record of the conditions under which a product was grown, especially once it is reinforced using blockchain technology, will be very valuable to businesses and individuals who need to prove that their products are truly organic. Given the widespread enthusiasm for organic farming, AgroTechFarm stands to attract a lot of support, and indeed it has already begun to do so. A key part of this is the team's active engagement with the community, which has already generated goodwill towards it among potential investors.

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Crowdfunding the Fourth Agricultural Revolution

The Third Agricultural Revolution, also known as the Green Revolution, had changed the way agriculture worked back in the late 20th century. It was necessitated by explosive population growth, a condition that is by no means behind us. However, it has faltered in recent years due to soil failure and also the rise of skepticism towards genetically modified produce. Organic farming is in right now, but advanced technologies are key to making it viable enough to keep up with the constantly growing demand for fresh food. The importance of the cannabis market should not be underestimated either. Of course, the growing and possession of cannabis is still illegal in most jurisdictions, though the likelihood and the level of punishment for it varies. But the level of excitement around this industry can be a welcome boost to any connected project.

AgroTechFarm represents a part of what is sometimes called the Fourth Agricultural Revolution: using technology as well as social adaptation to make smaller-scale, more sustainable farming possible. This is both a vital need and an excellent opportunity for individuals and smaller businesses to start playing a larger role in global agriculture. So it can be said that this product is quite timely. Ultimately, any startup investment comes with risks. But AgroTechFarm has a practically ready product and a major market niche in which it will have very few competitors that could fully match its offering. Investing in it seems to be a good bet compared to many other ICOs, and if it succeeds now it should have plenty of room for further growth in the near future.



This review by Bonanza Kreep is all opinion and analysis, not investment advice.

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