If you do not want to be old, you will have to eat these 10 meals regularly.

Those who did not know about some food that began to eat, the skin is very low, and there will be some changes in the inner jin that will reduce the age of your body.
In context, it is possible to keep these foods but it is actually possible to retain the age. Do not believe it is not sure? What is the relationship of age with food, so do! Actually there are some ingredients in some foods, such as nutriment and antioxidant, which reduces the age, also keeps the body tight. Not only this, many mosquitoes do not bother near the disease. This does not take long to increase life expectancy. Let's know what the diet has the ability to reduce body fat ...

1. Curd

Several studies have found that, when starting to eat yogurt every day, the deficiency of protein in the body ends, as well as the levels of beneficial bacteria have started to increase. In addition, the levels of Riboflavin, Phosphorus, Calcium and Vitamin B12 continue to increase, with the effect of lowering the body's age. At the same time, the risk of falling prey to multiple diseases can be reduced.

2. Olive oil

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory monounsaturated foods rich in fat, this oil can help prevent cancer, as well as reduce the age-related difficulties.

3. Blackberry

This fruit contains plenty of anti-oxidants, which prevent the aging process. Not only that, cranberry, strawberries, and of course, black berries play a special role in improving the overall structure of the body. So if this fruit is eaten every day, then the body will be eroded. As a result, the natural beauty of the body and skin begins to grow.

4. Nuts

There is also a need for good fat to keep the body healthy. So nuts are filled with fists every day. It also has anti-inflammatory ingredients along with the useful fat, which can be useful to keep the body healthy.

5. Green vegetables

Several studies have found that copies of the leaves and feathers have a type of antioxidant called phytonutrient, which plays a special role in straining cell erosion and maintaining the skin in the body.

6. Grapes

There is a compound named Rezverett, which in turn is anti-inflammatory and anti-quagant. This element keeps two heart good. And as it has been said before, that the body remains intensified, when the heart is healthy. So to become a healthy, sickly body of the body, one day the gourmet mast!

7. Green tea

If a cup of green tea is consumed every day, the body of an antioxidant in large quantity is entered. And as we all know, antioxidants, cancer, heart disease, and even alzheimer's disease help in many ways.

8. Tomatoes

Lycopene is a type of antioxidant called tomato, which reduces skin age. Not only this, but also to prevent deadly disease like stomach, lung and prostate cancer, this vegetable is a great help.

9. Fiber rich foods

There is no substitute for this material to reduce the age of the body. If you want to keep body and skin as well as keep the body healthy, do not forget to keep the diet rich in fiber such as pea, pulse, broccoli, gram, avocado and oatmeal in the diet of Rose!

10. Fish

As we all know that omega-tri-fatty acids in the fish are there. This ingredient comes in a great way to reduce any type of inflammation in the body. As a result, the chances of increasing the age of the body decreased. So eat fish at least twice a week. Doing so will reduce the risk of stroke and alzheimer's disease. As a result, life expectancy will increase.

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