Everybody is Capable of Great Things

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Everybody is capable of great things, but not everybody believes they can achieve great
things. Be the person who does believe they will achieve great things. The world doesn’t
need another person who simply doesn’t believe they will get what they want; the world
is already full of people like this. What it needs are people who come up with new ideas,
follow through on their goals, believe they can be successful and go out and create the
life for themselves that they most desire. There aren’t enough people like this in the
world today.
Too many people are living a life far removed from what they really want. Don’t be like
them. You are here for a reason and are entitled to live the life you most want to live. The
world is a stage and it wants you to take your place. It is by holding belief in yourself that
you can and will be able to create the life you most want. By not holding self belief you
will almost certainly miss out on a lot of what life has to offer, so you have a choice,
either believe in yourself and refuse to accept anything less or accept where you are now
is where you will always be.

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