Day 3 - Cox's River, up Strongleg, and on toward water (repost)

Cox’s River wasn’t too far after all. We waded across the river. Ricky and Scott took off their shoes, but still got them wet anyway when they stumbled and fell in.
It was pretty funny to watch, though Scott didn't think so. A little further upstream we stopped at Kanangra Creek for breakfast. This was our last chance for water for a day or more.

Ricky has solved his food supply problem - he‘s started finding muesli bars under rocks! Kym had a good wash in the creek, our only unpolluted water in the area.“it’ll just wash away!?” Its amazing the knowledge this guy has. Lets hope no-one else upstream has the same attitude, especially the hillbillies that live in the shacks around the next bend in the creek.

The story of WU

In the eighth century there lived Joshu, a great patriarch of Zen. One day, a monk asked Master Joshu. 'Does a dog have Buddha-nature, master'. 'Does a dog have Buddha-nature?” To that, Master Joshu was said to answer. 'Wu'

Now, please, wu is in Chinese language a negative response. Negative. “No," yes? But the word have many fine shades of meaning. Many nuance. So, depending upon inflection, subtle nuance in pronunciation, wu could mean ‘absolutely not', 'probably not', 'possibly not', or 'usually not'. Could mean emphatic 'no', or could mean 'Am rather inclined to doubt it.'

So. for twelve hundred years, scholars have argued Exactly what did Master Joshu intend by wu? What inflection, what shade of meaning? Twelve hundred years they argued and argued. But I am here to tell you. When asked, if dog have Buddha-nature, master did not answer. 'Wu' That is big misunderstanding. When ask if dog have Buddha-nature, master answer, Wuf

'*Wuf! Wuf! Wuf! Wuf! Wuf! *'

Before beginning the terrible climb up Mt Strongleg, Nathan, Kym, Jake and Nic jump in for a swim, while Ricky and Scott amuse themselves, harassing Aron. "Queensland‘s not even as good as this.” declared Nathan as he leapt off the rocks into the waterhole.

The climb up the steep, rocky track was horrible in the heat. Aaron started the trek with 6 water bottles but now has none. Its going to be tough for him, because none of us are willing to share with him.

On the climb, Jake made some life encompassing resolutions:

  • “Be buggered. I'll never be bad to the teachers, or my mum, if I have to come on trips like this again".

  • “Think for yourself. That's what I’ve learned on this trip. Its like life”

We took it easy, and reached the top 5 hours later. Strong-leg, mine were whacked! Time for another late lunch for those with food to eat. Ricky busied himself scoring some muesli, and Nathan helped himself to Ross and Nic's honey. It seemed like we had food to spare when the food fight started, but it quickly got out of hand “This war started with fruit, went to sticks and now its rocks" noted Nathan solemnly. Kym studied the compass for a minute and confidently slated to the group, “We‘re East West ” . '? The sun was close to setting and Dex Creek, our next water, was still 4km away Every other night we hiked until late Today, all of us had planned to stop early but what with the long rest and wrong turns it now looked like being another long night As we walk along, the bidding started for when we would stop 8:00, 8:30, even 1:30 some more desperate than others for water.

Everyone was knackered Aaron alternated between lying prostrate, walking, and pleading for food. Scott was still content to just observe everything going on around him. We passed Mt Amarilla Marloo, as the moon came up, we clambered up through a cliff face. On top was a flattish rocky area "This will do" declared some of the guys, and quickly unpacked to stake a claim for one of the few tent spots. Not enough room for everyone though so we left, and set off in search of another area. PANIC! - do we stay here or follow them? Voices and lights fading in the distance. A quick scramble to repack, and they bolted along the track. Not far ahead we found a large clearing where we could all camp comfortably.


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