How To Enjoy Where You Live

I try to enjoy wherever I live. I treat every day like a new day, where I am a tourist experiencing a place for the first time. By doing this, I find that my daily walks are more enjoyable and I do notice more and appreciate where I am more.

Barn on Coles Ferry Pike

Scenery on Coles Ferry Pike at sunset

Creek that runs on property off Coles Ferry Pike

Mountains in the distance off Coles Ferry Pike

I go for my walk at different times of the day too, so that adds to the sense of adventure. It helps keep things interesting.

It is important to keep any activity you do interesting, or you will be more likely to get bored and be less motivated to continue. Taking a daily walk has not only been good for me physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Plus it really helps fuel my creativity as I take pictures nearly every day.

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