I Wept For You

14 times I wept for you

The first in a hail of bullets, your arms aloft, red flag held high.
The second - unwilling sacrifice - you stood and watched your inner self die.

The third - most unbearable of all - tortured cries as heartbreak took it's .
Number four the suffering that ensued - your troubled soul - filled with distress.

The fifth was joy - a faith restored - in the water born anew.
Yet all too soon came the Sixth; jealous axe cut you through.

Number Seven came in the night, mercy was your whispered plea
Eight in line - royal fever bed and ballet under malady

Nine was your grief among the blooms, tears fell as you said goodbyes.
On the stage came number Ten, panic attack before my eyes.

Eleven happened in the ditch; broken, sobbing on the floor.
Back on the screen for number Twelve - grieving your mentor to cello score.

Thirteen was a dark nightmare, lost boy all alone and scared,
And lastly, for now, Fourteen came - soul's heavy, burdens finally shared.

Fourteen times - I wept for you.


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