ADSactly Travels - Driving Through Europe - part #1

Driving Through Europe - part #1

I often look at photographs I've taken. I remember events and contemplate beautiful moments, experiences and adventures I had with my friends. This photo frame seems to transform them back into reality and always revives them. I have countless images of my growing up, as well as photos from my school, excursions and trips.

What about a story or at least the insights I could read about these nice moments, the feelings that followed them, the experiences, the people and everything that marked them and made it special to always remember them? This question has recently gone through my head while I was reading an interesting post that someone posted about his trip. I started thinking. My answer to that question was more than simple - I never wrote about it. In fact, I never even thought about it until I opened the Steemit account. I decided it would be a new challenge to me! To tell the story in a few passages that will guide you through the eight-day journey that I've been through with my boyfriend Mark, his sister Ana and me.

Ana has used up all the days of her vacation and was going home. It was an ideal opportunity for Mark and me to go back with her to Luxembourg and visit the small town where she lives and works. Over the week, while she was working, Mark and I were visiting European cities we would randomly pick in the morning when we woke up. We decided to spend the entire weekend together and visited two more cities. There was no plan, we did not have maps of cities or pre-prepared landmarks with the sights to look at. The story is based on my feelings. I realize that I had eight days to plan and organize my time any way I want to. These are my impressions of the cities we've visited.

1100 km of long road, 1100 km of endless asphalt. Motorways where larger, smaller, sunny and gray. Full of powerful cars, large trucks, all of them going somewhere, somewhere toward their destinations, carrying people to meet their destinies. Our destination was Luxembourg.

The early-morning sun, the sounds of music from a radio channel and DJ's jokes, replaced the voices of parents which resounded from all sides for days. Drive carefully, wisely, keep in touch. These are the words of specific intonations in which the positive fervour seeks to violently suppress the concern. It sounds like a hum that disappears after the first bend.
Positive energy radiated from us, we are at the peak of good times. In our minds, we were already there. In just seconds, we've crossed all of the 1100 km. That thought distorted the perception of the present moment and welcomed the illusion as something real and natural.

Hours went by as we drove. The sun hid behind the clouds. The first drops of rain began to fall and grew stronger and stronger. At the next moment, I felt as all of the accumulated water poured from the sky fell onto our car. It seemed like every wiper would jump out of its bed and fly away, each in its own direction. Hours passed, the rain stopped falling, and the sun appeared. This cycle was repeated several times throughout the day. Now quieter and lenient voices have muttered something. They would usually ask for sandwiches, coffee, tea, coffee, water, again coffee and for the toilet.

We stopped several times, stretched our legs and slowly moved on. The hours were passing by slower now. We've switched a dozen channels on the radio, put on CD's, rock music, pop, and similar music until we've switched the radio off. I realized that a step of 1100 km does not exist and that it never has. It was replaced with the painful footsteps of pain which insidiously grew stronger with every second and drifted deeper into my body. Trying to resist this feeling was useless, there was no choice. I accepted it, trying to enjoy and closed my eyes.

When we arrived, the night already fell. We took out all the stuff from the car, settled in the apartment, ate the rest of the food we carried with us, and soon fell asleep.The adventure of the new day was ahead of us.

Authored by: @lufcija

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