Travel Island of Hope, Fear but Beautiful

greeting the morning to visit the beautiful island is very happy


We should go to one island again for snorkeling but because it was late afternoon and my friends are tired then we go back home. The sea breeze was refreshing and the sky that splashed the color of the sun before drowning accompanied us back to Hope Island. After bathing and dinner, we were picked up by Miko for barbeque-an. Eating grilled fish on the beach, under a star-studded sky while hearing the strains of betawi songs from the singers on the entertainment stage near the docks is really wearing. I forgot the scary trip this afternoon.


You are bored with the thousands of buildings in Jakarta and want a different atmosphere? But not far from Jakarta and just have a little time for a trip? to Pulau Seribu yuk. Baberapa island in the Thousand Islands presents exotic scenery. For those of you who like the atmosphere of the beach but do not have the time and funds a lot for a holiday can be visited one of the island. There are some islands that have an exotic atmosphere, the Island of Hope, Angel Island, Pulau Tidung, Pulau, Pulau Pari and others,,

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