Acts of Kindness Challenge - Friends to the Rescue

My friends delivered random acts of kindness to me for two weeks, and it helped my entire family.

I recently needed to have a surgery that would keep me off of my feet and unable to lift anything heavy for about two weeks. I don't like to ask for help from people, or feel like I'm putting people out, so I figured that my family and I would manage just fine and eat a lot of take-out food during my recovery.

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However, without my knowledge, seven of my girl friends organized a meal train for me and my family.

Each of these generous ladies delivered a home cooked (or excellent take-out) dinner to my house, spread out over the course of my two week recovery. One of my friends is currently living across the country and even arranged to have food from a favorite Greek restaurant delivered to my house just in time for dinner.

Having my friends bring home cooked meals, with enough for leftovers, went a major way in supporting my family while I recovered. I don't typically like to ask for help from people, and I didn't even have to - these girls just gathered together and decided to take care of me, and I gratefully accepted.

Feeling supported and taken care of by my community of friends meant and continues to mean so much to me.

Setting up a meal train for someone who, for whatever reason, needs a little extra support, is a practical and loving way to take care of a friend or member of your community.

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A huge thanks to @rebeccaryan and @natureofbeing for hosting this #actsofkindnesschallenge. It's a great way to spread a little light around!

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