My Actifit Report Card: September 6 2019

Surely But Steady

Didn't have those most active of days today, got more chores done than anything. No specific fitness activities just general duties.

Certainly didn't get the time away from office as I should have liked. The next two days being the weekend and me having to get work done means that I'll be seeing plenty of office duties all weekend long.

Hopefully I can be more proactive on my health and fitness journey than I have been of late. On and off the wagon, it's been a hard road getting myself back into shape after letting my fitness become so lacklustre. Can only get better each day so long as I put in the hard yards.

Eventually I hope to be back to my old fitness levels. Seems a long way from where I am now but eventually I will get there.

They say the journey of 1000 miles begins with one step.

Daily Activity, Dancing, Hiking, Home Improvement, House Chores, Photowalking, Play with kids/grand kids, Shopping, Walking, Yard Work

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