My Actifit Activity Log [03.02.2019] FINDING TRUE NORTH

Today was a pretty low key day for me... and I wanted it that way.

I needed time to re-think and re-group before another week steps up to the plate!

This week has been a busy one so I find it productive to stop EVERYTHING and re-focus on my objectives.

What is important?

In our hyper-connected multitasking world many can’t help feeling like they are wasting the moment when they stop what they are doing but I have discovered this non-active state to be a way for finding my own personal True North.

It’s about pausing long enough to listen to the wind whispering through its currents and noticing the subtle shifts around me. It’s about listening to my heart beat while I take stock of what it is telling me... you know... that small inner voice. The one that, if ignored, produces a certain and sure amount of anxiety and even regret.

The week normally rushes by without me noticing things I probably should. I think that’s because I’m zoomed right in. Un-mindful of what matters my perspective is limited.

Pausing intentionally allows me the opportunity to zoom out and upwards. Life sure can look a lot different when you have the vision 10,000 feet offers. Emptying your mind of the insignificant so that what’s real may take precedent... Insight waiting for your acknowledgment and a quiet moment to present it’s self to you.

The gift that only the Here and Now has to offer and with it the sight that a birds eye view can give. Vision that perhaps manifests itself as a desire for self-discovery. The same prompts that drive men and women with similar timelines to ascend snow covered peaks to find...

I, however, have found that, if practiced, vast insights can be gained through simple solitude and meditation right where you are be it the vast and upper reaches or the lowest of depths. It doesn’t require the mounting campaigns of Everest to find a sort of flow state.

Granting vision and direction... ones true north is always there at the tips and tops of ones conscious self... but it takes stopping everything your conditioned to be doing to open and access that insight.

The doing that drives success isn’t the answer the seeker seeks. It is not the end game. The doing that blurs the lines between a humdrum life and a life directed by purpose hangs in the balance of a simple shift away from actions altogether. A halting of what’s “normal” and a reconsideration of what it actually takes to live a happy and fulfilled life is a great place to start. And when that first thought pulses to life drop it away to access the subconscious. Like a light trickling stream just under the surface of your who you think you are. That’s the you that matters. You know it... because you have been here before. But perhaps it’s been awhile... Yes?

Can the searcher find his way away from the din and bustle of life simply by stopping and dumping the worries and cares he or she carries at the door of meditation and solitude?

Yes. I believe that they can. In fact... getting from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’each often means stopping all that mental mountain climbing to make sure the doing your doing is directed towards your own True North. Are you really doing the things that matter to you? Will what your living out today carry you forward to a life worth living?

The quality of your questions are the guide posts that directs you toward the quality life the goal posts promise. It’s self-discovery that leads to self-empowerment. Via the vying forces the quieting of outside noise... the dialing in on why and what makes you tick... That’s how you double check your bearings... That’s how you find your True North.

Another consideration when your moving into the unknown is to take some time to trace your prior trajectory. Where have you been? Who were you before? Where have you come from?

Grounding yourself with your past is how you understand yourself in the present. It is with this context that the future begins to show you your true potential and the path that you must take.

With the way before you clear... setting goals and achieving them becomes second nature.

So! Are you taking the time to pause and listen to your SPIRIT?

I’ll tell you... That’s what I have been doing today. And it’s been good because it lead me to think about the practice of designing my ideal day on a daily basis. I need to put some time and effort into doing this as a daily practice.

I realize many people don’t bother to do this because the pain of putting together a plan for the day can often be a futile and frustrating one... Especially if you don’t feel that you have much power over the use of your day... but I believe it to be the key to the attainment of ones dreams and aspirations. It’s a must do that I must do... every day. Enough neglecting it. If I want to live the BE NOW lifestyle I must get in the habit of designing my day, selecting my priorities, and setting myself up to win... EVERY SINGLE DAY!

This is what quiet reflection and time with myself showed me today.

How about you? When is the last time you spent an hour with only yourself? No one but you. What did this time reveal to you about yourself? Was there a long awaited shift pointing you towards your own True North?

Care to share? I would LOVE to hear your story! 🙂

Fitness Entrepreneur
Certified Personal Trainer







Select your activity:


Get 10,000 steps before 10am.


Take a screen shot of your @Actifit step count for proof of an #AutomaticWin.


At the end of the day post your proof of activity to the Steem blockchain with the @Actifit app as you normally would.


Include (along with the #Actifit hashtag) the #AutomaticWin hashtag and the screen capture proof you took when you got your 10,000 steps before 10am to your end of day post using the @Actifit app.

NOTE: You may also include the #AdventureWalk, #AdventureRun, or @AdventureClimb hashtags depending on what primary activity you did to get your #AutomaticWin! We will use this information to enhance the step statistics we publish during the course of any currently running Step Challenges! It should be noted that if you use more than one of the above hashtags the first and primary one will be utilized to generate statistics.

Congratulations! You have achieved an #AutomaticWin! Being intentional with your health means the rest of your day is now officially the bonus round! How sweet is that?! The more #AutomaticWin’s around the world the better all around so make sure you tell your friends all about how you made it happen this morning!

💨10,000👟 + 10am⏱ = #AutomaticWin!💥🏅💥

** Please note that you will need to follow each of the simple steps above to qualify for an #AutomaticWin. Failure to do this will mean that, although you may have completed plenty of steps for the day an #AutomaticWin must be confirmed by the above parameters.
***If you have further questions please feel free to click over to the #AutomaticWin hashtag where you will find a feed of other peoples posts as examples and inspiration! If you need more clarity you can always contact @wil.metcalfe here on SteemIt or the @Actifit Discord Channel.

#AutomaticWin Step Challenge Winners:
1st Step Challenge
2nd Step Challenge
3rd Step Challenge


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