Vegan Deer Platters, and of course, Todays Edible Dumpstering loot of 100USD!

Again quite a lazy day walking wise. I tried out the chainsaw we brought the otherday and it was great- until I hit a nail 🤣

After that I took the deer platter out and placed on near to the garden, there were tracks from the deer and so they are still coming here even though the dogs are here too.

..and the bigger one of the two platters I placed over the other side of the stream and left it on a well.

A print from this morning, theres not been much snow today to cover it

Thinking if to go and buy an SD card and set up my wildlife cam!

On Sundays the new supermarket not so far away closes at 8pm and so we just got back from Tonights loot..

Nearly half of the freezer cost, and the freezer is now looking quite good!

Hope everyone had a great day! @mcfarhat, can we have Dumpsterdiving as an Activity Type please?! 😂😂


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