My Actifit Report Card: December 7 2018

It happened again, today. I was blind-sided by #operationhumanangels, by my friends.

I complain a lot about my job. It's frustrating and stressful and hard on my body. The hours are not great and the pay, while a few dollars above Minimum wage, is just enough for us to struggle through each month.

I stay because I love the people I work with. And they love me. But most of all, they love my children.

Whenever one is sick they come with me. I talk about them each and every day. People ask about them, know them by name, spoil them with donuts and treats.


I had mentioned to one of these people how completely grateful I was about the #BoysandGirlsClub adopting my kids for Christmas. About how wonderful it felt knowing they would have something under the tree.

It was just one conversation, a happy mention, among the many topics we talked about that day. If you haven't noticed by now, I talk a lot. Haha!

Well, as the day wore on today I was in a pretty good mood. I was working with one of my favorite people, a sweet girl that I talk with a lot.

And then one of the other managers came in, not unusual, he stops by a lot. Also a great friend, he gives me a ride home now and then. Saves me an hour long bus ride.

And then my very favorite person came in, accompanied by another friend, the one I had that conversation with. Also not unusual. The one moved to another store, and I miss him like crazy, and the two of them are best friends, so they come in together to visit on Fridays a lot.

But then the four of them all gathered together in a corner, got someone to cover my work space and dragged me over.

"Remember that conversation we had? About the kids, and Christmas?"

"Yeah, the Boy's and Girl's Club?"

I'm going to be honest, at this point I thought I was going to hear that we had finally been approved for our store to throw the kids a party.

But he pulled out a Visa gift card for $175. The four of them had pitched in. $50 for each kid and some extra for the stockings.

"We love those kids, and we couldn't let them go without a little something this Christmas."

I. Fucking. Bawled. Like, clinging hugs, ugly sobbing.

"When you wanna go to Wal-Mart you let any one of us know and we'll take you over there, so you don't gotta ride the bus."

I hate my job. I really, really do. But how could I ever leave a place filled with so much love?

I cried so many times today, every time I thought about it again. Hell, it's over 10 hours later and I'm crying again thinking and writing about it.

Look for the good in this world. Be the good in this world. You will create the memories that will last a life time.

So much love to you all. Goodnight. 💙💙💙


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