My Actifit Report Card: August 22 2019

Still finishing up my final leg of the CrashVirginia trail run. What is the CrahVirginia Trail Run, you might ask? Well that’s when you mountain bike across the two highest peaks and screw around for two weeks, then once you are done you get your butt to an Amtrak Train and go to Washington DC.

Today’s adventure was mainly all business. I cycled from Max Meadows, VA to Roanoke. It was lots of downhill action with no time to take photos aside from the Roanoke River I passed over.

I’m around 10 miles away from the finish line. Being a bit worn from only 3 hours sleep the night before, won’t keep me from catching that first train out of the track to get back to some peace and quiet our Nation’s Capital. I can hardly contain myself thinking of all the wildlife floating around that town.


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