
When a woman becomes a MOTHER, God will grant her a powerful weapon on earth.

Do you know what it is?
it is Oral

The oral will be the weight of the scales ..
His oral will be the opening of the doors of the sky ..
His remarks will be pronounced .. His prayer will be shot without hindrance ..

Mother's prayer will be able to become a destroyer of trouble for her offspring child ..
And complaining about a mother will be a ballast step for every member of her family, including for her husband ..

So abstinence for a mother to complain, because her complaint will become a reality, as hope and prayer will become a reality ..
Bad words will be an obstacle for himself and his family ..

Oral mother like miracle of the prophets .. or Karamah the kyai ..

So beware the mothers when you use this greatest weapon ..

Use to ask God to make your husband ease in making a living. Do not complain about him. That would be even more burdensome ..

Use to ask for simplicity and piety over your children, do not complain. Because that will be true ..


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