Graciano was grossly fat and overweight. At the age of 39, his body mass index (BMI) was 45, (BMI is your weight in kilograms (Kg) divided by your height in metres squared and is a measure of whether you are a healthy weight for your height).  

 To make matters worse, his body was now too heavy for his legs and it made walking long distances very difficult and tiresome. He couldn't run 100 metres. Even climbing up or down the stairs in his house made him breath heavily like someone who had just completed a 5 mile marathon.  

 In addition to this, he started getting thirsty so often and the volume of water he drank and excreted everyday began to increase. He was also always tired and never wanted to do any physical exercises like walking long distances, running, riding a bicycle, or going to the gym.

 On his 40th birthday, he tried to have sex with his wife but he couldn't. His penis failed to erect hard and strong enough for penetrative sex. Even when his wife tried by all means necessary to arouse him, his erections were not long-lasting enough. The following day, he visited his general practitioner (GP) and explained to him all his problems, frustrations and embarrassments. 

 After measuring his weight, height, blood pressure and blood glucose, his GP explained to him: “The main cause of all your problems, frustrations and embarrassments is your weight. Please, I don't want to offend you, but you are overweight and you need to lose weight before all this gets worse. If you don't lose weight starting from today, you will be attracting diseases like: erectile dysfunction, prostate cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, and many others.” 

 Soon after getting out of the GP surgery, Graciano went and registered with the local gym and started exercising on the same day. He started with running on the treadmill but that was too much for him. Other gym members started laughing at him: “Look at that lazy fat boy! Hay you fat boy why are you stopping! That fat dude gets tired in less than a minute!” He quit and never went to that gym again. 

 After explaining all this to his wife, she came up with a good decision: “Why don't we exercise together as a family? First of all we start with what we have that won't cost us anything. That includes walking everyday starting with small distances and then increasing them as we go, running, push-ups and press-ups. After saving money for 2 or three months we can buy gym equipment and have our own gym where everyone encourages each other and no one discourages or bullies anyone.” 

 “Yes! Yes! That's why I love you so much darling. You always come up with excellent solutions and ideas,” replied Graciano.  

 From that day, Graciano, his wife and their son started exercising together everyday. They now have some gym equipment at home and Graciano has lost 15 kilograms and his BMI is now 28. He now has hard, strong, long-lasting erections every time he has sex. His libido levels have multiplied and he no-longer has any signs of diabetes or cardiovascular disease. 

 People in his neighborhood are surprised: “He has changed quite a lot in a very shot period of time. How does he do it? We don't see him at the local gym. What's going on?” they ask themselves. 

 Exercising with your family is romantic. You are doing the same thing together, helping each other and encouraging one another. Not only is it beneficial to the relationship between you and your partner, but it also teaches your sons and daughters so that they can grow up exercising everyday and have healthy, attractive, sexy bodies admired by almost everyone. When you are doing it together as a family, it's very difficult for any member to quit.   

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