Typical Aceh Durian sticky rice (sticky rice durian fruit)

1. Prepare durian, choose the right fragrance, taste, and smell of ripening. This photo was originally filled with durian, but this is the rest of the durian that does not use the full 1 cup of total durian. Durian I use uk'm yet mature and it feels fitting

2 .Prepare a thick coconut milk. To be more viscous, my parents bought later in the grated coconut, the results of my rules blender with 3 cups of boiled water, then I squeeze and strain as much as 2 x, so benar2 no pulp or coconut coklat2 rest of it. Add salt, stir well.

3. Enter durian one by one, squeezed into coconut milk to blend with coconut milk. Lift his durian seeds and pulp, to remain benar2 thick coconut milk without waste. Bener2 be patient in order to blackmail her milk benar2 fused with durian, especially if such a thick coconut milk and many of his durian. After all blended, put the sugar slowly while stirring - stir to dissolve.

4 . Sticky rice cooking by boiling with water. After half cooked and then steamed until completely cooked fluffier and then cool

4. Serve durian coconut milk and sticky rice that has been cooked along with the rest of the durian that is not mixed with coconut milk. Because the use of boiled water, coconut milk durian does not need to be cooked again. Unless there is a remainder, it is necessary to briefly heated in the stove up to half boil and cooled before being put into the refrigerator, to be more durable in the refrigerator.

5. Durian sauce is also delicious enjoyed with bread pillow / wheat as butter or gravy. good luck

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