discharge of clear liquid during pregnancy 5 weeks

The release of the fluid you are experiencing may be caused by vaginal discharge. At the time of pregnancy, the volume of whitish fluid can be more increased than usual due to the occurrence of hormonal changes and increased blood flow in the reproductive organs.
For that you know some signs that whiteness that you experience can be categorized as normal: Bening or whiteness No itch No odor No other complaints such as abdominal pain This discharge can be caused by: Fungal infection Bacterial Vaginosis Gonorrhea Chlamydia Trichomoniasis But if indeed accompanied by blood out of the vagina, then there is still a possibility of a miscarriage in your pregnancy.
We recommend that you immediately consult with your obstetrician or nearest midwife to ensure your current condition. At least for ultrasound examination. If your content is still safe, you should do a total rest at home.
As much as possible minimize your activities to prevent worsening of your condition. So much information we can convey. May be useful

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