enjoy the atmosphere of takengon city

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who does not know the city takengon, a city that is very famous with the typical aceh coffee middle of a very popular lot of people, not just from aceh course, many people who tasted the coffee,
very cold weather does not break my spirits to enjoy the beauty of the city takengon, for example PANTAN TERONG, from above here we can see the beauty of takengon city and also can enjoy the freshwater lake located in the middle of the city, I really like this city

saya sangat mencintai aceh , saya cinta indonesia , buat apakita pergi keluar negri sedangkan tempat wisata yang ada di aceh belum bisa kita jelajahi semuanya , aceh penuh dengan pesona yang sangat indah dan mengangumkan , budaya dan alam disekitar kita harus kita jaga dengan baik demi generasi penerus bangsa , i love indonesia

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