What will become of SteemFlagRewards when and if we get the Downvote Pool?

Love it or loathe it, there’s a lot of shit out there and I am one of those that cleans some up and reaps a reward for doing so.

SteemFlagRewards is a discord driven group of Steemians that flags, er.. down-votes abuse, shit content, plagiarism and spam if its pending reward is simply not justified.

I won’t go into the ins and outs of what SFR do, as this is beyond what I am here to write about today.


There has been some resistance to this anti-abuse group and some controversial flagging going on in the last few months courtesy of @jaguar.force, some of which I can’t say I approve of.

Nevertheless, the spotted cat has pointed me to some, in my mind ‘proper’ abuse in the past so I won’t condemn him, or them.

This brings me back to the main topic. The separate down vote pool appears to be something that is more likely to happen now, and so will SteemFlagRewards still be required?

If you are someone who does flag for votes then using the down vote pool will no longer use your regular one, so is there any need for a reward?

We think having a downvote pool that is 10-25% the size of the voting mana pool would serve as a good starting point - @vandeburg

Let’s say it happens and it is a 25% pool size that is incorporated. Would this mean you have the equivalent of a 2.5 full votes to use before it dips into your regular voting pool?


I for one, rarely use more than this per day when flagging abuse, though some of the more dedicated guys may do.

Then we have the abusers who are now free to retaliate and start down voting the flaggers content regardless of its quality without losing their own regular vote pool weight.

Now I would say many of them have little SP as they are generally content to do the least amount of work to gain the greatest rewards (or that’s what they think), and simply send out their rewards to other exchanges, while on continuous power down.

In this case we would see little difference and quite possibly this aspect of retaliation would likely see less change. Then again some do have a substantial amount of SP for use in retaliation.

Could the @steemflagrewards account be used to nullify these type of retaliation abusers?


How would @steemflagrewards reward down votes that come from the down vote pool, or would they simply not?

Would the votes still be required but only if they are a product of draining ones regular pool?

It doesn’t seem justified to me to vote up comments that are a product of a down vote that are coming from the down vote pool.

I would like to hear some comments from @anthonyadavisii about the questions I present.

Lastly, are SteemFlagRewards going to retain the name?

SteemDownvoteRewards really doesn’t have the same ring to it?



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