My favorite profession/ Week 205

A necessary introduction

I never wanted to be a teacher. In fact, when I had to choose which university career I should study, I told my mother that if I had to study medicine or teaching, I would not study any more. Apparently, the karma of life hit me hard.

Of all the topics proposed by @galenkp for this week, there were several in which I wanted to participate, but this is the one chosen because of what education has represented in my life.

Teacher by mistake and educator by vocation

I already said I didn't want to be a teacher, but, when the time came, my mother told me I had to work to help support the family and I started working as a builder's helper. When the sun was beating down on me and I had to do work I was not used to, I seriously thought about continuing in that job.

When I saw my mother to tell her that I could not work in construction, she told me that what I could get was a teaching position, but that I had told her that I did not want that for my life. I don't remember my exact words, I only know that from that moment on I began my journey through classrooms, textbooks, students, parents, and professional friends.

The first years

The early years were very hard for me and I have many people to thank for all the help and teaching I received. It is true that you never become a perfect teacher and that you always have to study, but, as the years went by I learned to deal with content and students and I gained the affection and respect of my co-workers and most importantly, of my students.

7 reasons that demonstrate that this has been my best profession

  • For the possibilities it has given me to contribute to the education of thousands of students.

  • For having trained many young people as graduates in Education because, within my responsibilities in Education, I was the director of a university branch.

  • It allowed me to participate in different national and international scientific events.

  • I was able to represent the country in international work agreements.

  • For the trust placed in me by my parents, to the point that I became part of the lives of many students' families.

  • For the affection that my students gave me. Today, after so many years of teaching many of them, I find them out there as professionals, with children and married, and many of them still call me father.

  • Because of the constant learning. You think you teach more than you learn and I can assure you that my students taught me much more than I was able to give them.

A final comment

I did not choose this profession by vocation, on the contrary, it chose me as a last resort to start my working life. What started as an obligation ended up being a necessity.

Thirty years of my life I dedicated to teaching and school management. Many questions, battles, obstacles and ingratitude, but, it has been the best decision I have made in my life because education saved my life and made me a better human being.

Many asked me why I didn't leave for better paying jobs and my answer yesterday, today and always is the same: contributing to the formation, growth and development of children, adolescents and young people is priceless.

Note: I used the translator DeepL Translate.

The photos are my own taken with different phones I have had: Blu, Samsung J1 and Samsung J2.

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