Splinterlands community: Beginners guide


My Splinterlands beginning

Last week I wrote an article about Why you should give Splinterlands a go, which you can read here. As you could read, there are plenty of reasons available to start to play Splinterlands. I mentioned as one of the reasons the awesome community. This is probably the biggest reason for me. Today I want to go more indepth about this awesome community. How can you engage with your fellow Splinterlands players?


Before I jump straight into the community, I would like to explain how I started to play Splinterlands. As the community played an important role for me. It all began in December 2021, I was a bit bored and was looking for a new game to play on my laptop. After googling a bit, I saw the term play2earn in my google results. I didn't know it at that time but it seemed awesome, earning money while playing games instead of spending money on those games. Soon I learned that play2earn means that you can indeed earn some money to play the games. How does it work? While playing those games, you can earn NFT's of those games. These NFT's can be traded and sold for cryptocurrencies which could be swapped for fiat if you would like to.

I am already playing videogames for about 20 years. Always there is some kind of community involved: being it the other players, or forums where you look for information or marketplaces to trade or..., What I found out about the Splinterlands community from day 1, they are really helpfull. On day 1, as I was searching for information, I looked around a bit at Twitch, where I found the following streamer, @clove71.

Not only was she hosting a lot of giveaways through her streams, also the other people in her stream were really helpfull and even generous. I received some dec, some delegations and even received some free cards. When I compare it to other 'classic' games, like COD / CSGO / LOL / ..., there I usually encountered a lot of toxic people in the community.


The Splinterlands community

As you probably already know by now, Splinterlands is a game which utilizes the Hive blockchain. One of the features of the Hive blockchain is that you can create blogposts which are stored on the Hive blockchain. Besides just blogging about any topic you like, the best part is that you can engage with others. All of this while earning some potential Hive and eventually HBD. Why is this such an advantage are you thinking? Well, receiving tokens for blogging on its own already is great, but you can utilize these free tokens to buy Splinterlands assets. That way you can write blogs to fund your Splinterlands collection, isn't that awesome?

For these unaware, there is a community dedicated to Splinterlands which you can find here. Another idea to find posts related to Splinterlands is through searching for the tags: #splinterlands #spt and eventually #play2earn. This last one is broader, so you'll find posts about other play2earn games as well. The first two tags are the most important ones.

Ofcourse if you're rather new to this community, you'll be overwhelmed which articles or authors you should check out. I'll try to give my top 5 in the next alineas. These are just a couple of authors I like, ofcourse this still is kind of subjective, but atleast you already have a direction.



Probably not surprising, but you should definitely follow this account. It's the main-account of the Splinterlands game. So if you're dipping your toes into this game or already a veteran, you really want to stay up-to-date with the updates. And yes, they are often updating their game, so a must-follow in my opinion. For example, today they are organizing a Tournament with max leveled ghost cards which everyone could join. The BIG prize is 1st Place: Runi + 5 Plots + 1,000,000 DEC, so definitely check out the latest post of their official account!



If you're blogging about Splinterlands yourself, you have probably already seen this curation initiative. They were initially a curation initiave reviewing Blangladeshian authors and supportig them. Although they evolved into a curation initiative which is not only checking out Bangladeshian authors but Splinterlands articles in general as well. By checking out their daily showcase, you get an overview of articles which have been manually reviewed. This atleast ensures you to not read garbage or automatic AI posts. I've had some upvotes from them in the past, thus want to utilize this moment to thank them for their curation initiative!



The other authors I am going to mention are individuals, thus a bit different from the past two accounts. He's a real veteran, both on Hive and Splinterlands. If you check out his profile, you'll see that he's writing about a variety of articles in the crypto / finance / Splinterlands sphere. Ofcourse, if you're just interested in Splinterlands themed articles, than just read those. Although, personally I enjoy his style of writing and like his other articles as well. In Splinterlands, he plays in the Champion bracket, thus definitely a strong player of who I can learn a lot in terms of strategy. I enjoy his season end posts as well. That way I get a glimpse of what I could potentially earn one day. Kudos for being such an awesome writer!



This author is another veteran on both Hive and Splinterlands. He's writing about several different topics as well. Here again, I enjoy reading his different articles, but if you just want to focus on his splinterlands articles, go ahead. His articles about particular cards and how these cards could be utilized in the different leagues are really informing. Like this post in which he's describing how Mantaroth is the most ferocious attacker in the Rebellion series. In my opinion it's definitely worth it to check out this author!



Again a great general author who is writing some decent qualitaty articles about Splinterlands. What I like the most about his articles, is that he's not scared to give his own opinion about the Splinterlands game. Like one of his past articles about the shift from play2earn to untradeable NFT's. Besides his written articles, he's often participating in the Splinterlands' art contest as well. Thus if you like to see some Splinterlands' related art, feel free to check out his posts!


I hope you got inspired to check out these authors. Personally I really enjoy their articles but as already mentioned, this is ofcourse a subjective matter. As I always prefer to create some interaction, I would like to read Who's your favorite Splinterlands themed author?

Ps: In regards to the tagged accounts, I hope you don't mind the tags. I reflected about not tagging you but thought it would be the most convenient way for readers to find you. Sorry if you don't like these tags!

Thanks for reading!

How did I begin to play Splinterlands?


It all began in December 2021, I was a bit bored and was looking for a new game to play on my laptop. After googling a bit, I saw the term play2earn in my google results. I didn't know it at that time but it seemed awesome, earning money while playing games instead of spending money on those games. Soon I learned that play2earn means that you can indeed earn some money to play the games. How does it work? While playing those games, you can earn NFT's of those games. These NFT's can be traded and sold for cryptocurrencies which could be swapped for fiat if you would like to. That's how I started.

Do you want to try out Splinterlands aswell?
Here is my referal link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=stekene


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