Splinterlands | MANTAROTH is the most ferocious attacker in Rebellion

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What’s up my fellow Splinterlands Players!

I hope all of you are enjoying this beautiful day with your family and friends and also playing this amazing #play2earn game in your daily life and growing your splinterlands account. Well, if you are unaware, only around 2 days left for this ongoing ranked season to end and I hope all of you are giving your level best to reach your goals for this season while using your battle energies to battle against other players in order to earn SPS and Glint tokens. For me, this time the luck finally shines on me as I have successfully reached the Champion League and currently playing in the Champ III league with a current trophy rating of 3,720.


As you can see, I am right now on the border of the Diamond and Champ league and if I lose only 2 matches consecutively, I will be again down to Diamond, so I have to play very carefully from here on and secure my position in champ league until the season end. I have rented a large chunk of SPS Delegation in my account. ie, 296k to be exact, my SPS and Glint earnings from playing ranked matches have increased a lot and after reaching Champion, I am earning around 20-25 SPS per ranked win which feels amazing to see. Not only that, but it is also helping me increase my SPS and Glint earnings and fill my SPS staked wallet at a faster rate. I also thought to rent in some precious cards that I am missing in my collection to perform better in these last 3 days, but as expected the price of all the good cards is skyrocketing right now, so I am waiting right now to see if it falls down a bit but dint think that will happen until the season end. Anyway, I will keep an eye on these cards and keep playing meanwhile and try to reach another 100 trophy rating today.

Now, moving on to the main topic of this post, today I will be showcasing one of the best cards in the entire Rebellion Edition card set and as you have already seen in my thumbnail above, today we will discuss the Amazing MANTAROTH monster, which is currently ruling the battleground. So without causing any further delay, let us start.

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MANTAROTH is a promo edition card which got launched and distributed as a reward to Rebellion pre-sale buyers and this card’s rarity makes him a costly card on the market as well. It is a Legendary type card which needs a total of 11 BCX cards to be upgraded to max level. The attack type of this card is melee and it costs 11 mana to be used in battles, so you can easily fit this card from medium to large mana limit battles. This card belongs to the Neutral element, which increases its availability while choosing any element. Let us now take a further look to find out about the league wise stats and abilities of this card below.



At level 1, this card possesses 3 melee attack at 2 speed with 3 armour and 11 health and it also gets 2 abilities in its initial level - Shield and Armoured Strike. With the help of Shield ability, it will now get 50% reduced damage from melee and ranged monsters and on the other hand, the Armoured Strike will allow him to attack one more time using its armour stat every round.


At level 2, this card’s armour stats get increased and it gets 3 melee attack at 2 speed with 4 armour and 11 health and it also gets a new ability called True Strike. Now the Trie Strike will give him an awesome power because now it will never miss its attacks.


When you upgrade this monster to level 3, it will receive 3 melee attack at 2 speed with 4 armour and 11 health and it will also gets a new ability called Repair, with which it can now repair 1 broken armour of any friendly monster including itself every round.


When this monster finally gets upgraded to level 4, it possesses 3 melee attack at 2 speed with 4 armour and 11 health and it does get another ability at its max level called Blast. With this new ability, whenever this monster hits its target, it will send reduced attacks to the adjacent enemy monsters as well.


Battle Link


Well, I was looking for a medium to high mana range battle to test my Mantaroth and after playing for a while, I finally found one with a 39 mana limit. In this match, every element except Dragon was allowed to choose from and there were also 2 rulesets applied in this match - Healed out and Amplify, so no monsters can heal or be healed in this match and every monster will have the Amplify ability which will increase the damages receive from Thorns, Return fire and Magic reflect by 1.

After thinking for a bit, I finally decided to build a melee + ranged lineup and choose the mighty chaos legendary water summoner Possibilus the Wise so that I could choose 2 big monsters at the front where the send monster will get reachability and can thus attack from second position. In my lineup, I chose Arkemis the Bear at the front followed by Mantaroth, Uraeus, Pelacor Bandit, Igor Darkspear and Xenith Archer at the end position.

As both the lineups got revealed in the match, I found out that my opponent had used Lix Vega summoner against me and his front position was heavily protected with Smith followed by Deeplurker, Kulu Mastermind, Venka the Vile, Igor Darkspear and Doctor Blight at the end position. Here as you can see, I chose 4 melee + range monster combos to attack the front and 2 sneak monsters to attack the back while my opponent chose 2 powerful Opportunity monsters to attack the lowest health minster in my lineup, his rest 3 monsters are targeting my front monster and the rest one smith has no attack power.


Match Performance

As the match started, his Venka attacked the first, but thanks to my Bear’s Forcefield ability, it did only 1 damage upon my Bear. Next, my sneak monsters targeted his Igor while my rest monsters started attacking his smith and by the end of the first round, he killed down my uraeus and also stunned my Bear while I got failed to take down any of his monsters.


During the second round, my bandit got attacked now and the enemy deeplurker also applied poison upon it which caused its death in the third round. But in the third round, my Mantaroth finally got awake and with its first blow, it killed down both the wounded Smith and Deeplurker and then launched an attack because of trample ability and damaged both Mastermind and Venka. Again at round 4, it attacked the Mastermind and after killing it, my Manta attacked again and killed the poor Venka and then my Xenith archer took down the enemy Igor. Now the only monster alive on the opponent’s lineup was the Doctor and it also got taken care of by my attackers and thus, I won another awesome match.

I hope you liked watching the battle that I shared above and enjoyed the performance of Mantaroth and reading my battle post as well. Please let me know your thoughts and experiences about this ferocious attacker card in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

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Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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