Embracing the freedom that comes with every takeoff.

Like any other small kid, I was also fascinated to see aeroplane flying the the sky. Being brought up in small town, there was alwsys an excitement and desire to make it up above the sky. There was no airport nearby, but whenever we see big aeroplane ✈️ flying smoothly up on the sky, I also wanted to travel in it. At first I was under thr impression, that aeroplane is meant only for the abroad travel, but as we grown up I understand that there are domestic flights too available that connects some of the major Indian cities. That assure me, to fulfill my wish of travelling on the aeroplane one day.

(own edited image)

But to decide on which date was still in the clouds. Born in the middle class, wee were not a frequent air travel. We mostly relies on local transportation like buses to cover small distances otherwise, we prefer to take on the railway to cover big distances. India has one of the biggest rail network that connects almost all the cities and villages within India. Also it is a cheaper mode of transport as compaired to flight. Since my childhood, I took many Railway journey, it is a lifeline for many metro. In begining I was afraid of travelling in train, infact I was almost missed the train, once while my parents werr on board. I went out to buy a book from the railway platform and the train started moving. It was quite a haunting experince earlier in the childhood.

Adventures await!

But as I grown up, I started enjoying the train journey. Even though it take long hours than usual flight, but if you want to see real India then must go to them. Visiting in the crowded train allow us to meet many people and learn many new aspects of life. I enjoyed taking Ling train trip. Infact, I used to cover 16 hrs in train to commute to my village from New Delhi. We mentally prepare ourself to be in train for 16 hrs. In these hours, we make friends we share our food, we meet people and also we get into discussion on different topics. But the desire to take a flight remain there within. And one day it was fulfilled. The reason I was not availing the air mode transport to my village is because we do not have direct flight and taking a flight means lot of travelling through road ,railway and flights. But when I have the opurtunity, I took it with open arms.

Making memories above the ground

Infact, I was the first in my family to take a flight journey. And later I made my parents and brother to enjoy the flight comfort. Travelling in flights introduce me to a a new travel experince. What suppose to be a luxury mode travel , cones out to be a normal travel mode. Inside the plain, I find many common people make their journey quite easily. I never hesitated or scared of flight journey, neither I have any vertigo issue. So I was pretty sure to enjoy my first experince on aeroplane.

I made sure to reach airport on time, went on to check in ford, took my boarding pass. I was not aware of window or aisle seat, but luckily I got window seat which makes the journey very memorsble. Watching myself up above the clouds simply was a good experince for a lifetime. I learned about beautiful airhostess. And I saw them in real. Though they were actually put up a lot of make up to look beautiful, but nonetheless their services were excellent. They were true professional. At the end, what used to be a 14 hrs journey through train, ended up in mere 2 hrs giving me some pleasant experince. Since then I took many other numerous journey. That was the fun when you start earning and spending as per the need. What used to be a dream in childhood was now a real experince. But again, flights were always on the expensive mode of travel. Indian still prefer to travel by train unless and untill there is a immediate requirement.

Captivated by the magic of flight

Getting a train experince is sort of living in real world. It has own enjoyment. While people like to meet and greet esch other, it was missing in the flights. In plain, people were busy with themselves showing the etiquties or pretended to be in exclusive class. Making a flight trip does not remain a big things in my life. And my childhood desires fulfilled.

This is my Day - 29 entry for the Inleo Writing Prompt for the m/o May


Namaste @steemflow

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