🥭 Eating Ma'chuu, Plans For Tomorrow, & More! 🛵


Welcome again to my post today I will be sharing my life story about today of course, and some plans for tomorrow too.


Well, today I only study for like 3 hours when I have like 6 hours of school. Also today wasn't actually learning since we already finished the lessons, so the teacher just reminding us of the lessons that we already study. Next week the teacher will writes all of the student's name and put it in a jar, he will pick one name and tell the lucky student to solve a math problem. I think if the student get it wrong 3 times he/she will have to give a book to the school for the 1st to 5th place students.


When I come back today my mom and my dad were gone, since they have to go to Pramaoy to buy stuff. When they come back they bought Ma'chuu for me and my sis since we loves them. For me I prefer pickled one but fresh ones taste good too especially guava, for me it taste best with salt and chilies, but some people like to eat them with shrimp paste.


Anyway tomorrow I think some of my friends will come to visit Khanna and going to Phnom 1500 which is a tourist place. That place is kinda famous because of its view of the town from on top of the mountain. If you ask me that is kinda a bit overrated, since most people just want to take pictures to post about that they come all the way here and stuff. I mean it is pretty but not that pretty, it looks prettier at night since the lights looks like stars from up the mountain.


Here in the village that I live in they are remaking the road, and it is now harder for me to ride on where they making it. I almost crash there so did Khanna, and I was going like 10km per hour or something, but since the rocks are kinda deep so yeah. Also some other people are also having a hard time driving there, people who drive cars are fine I mean cars can go though places like that very easy.

Monkey B
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