Curating the Internet: Science and technology micro-summaries for August 11, 2019

Use paper to secure voting; A new medical procedure to delay menopause; The most massive black hole ever observed; Security researcher claims to hack Boeing 787 - Boeing denies it; Aurovine - a blockchain based music platform

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Links and micro-summaries from my 1000+ daily headlines. I filter them so you don't have to.


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  1. You can easily secure America's e-voting systems tomorrow. Use paper – Bruce Schneier - Speaking at a recent Black Hat conference, Bruce Schneier argued that paper ballots should be used for voting because they are nearly 100% reliable, and can be audited by voters. This comes at the same time as investigative journalist, Kim Zetter, published an article revealing that many election machines were designed for limited and brief connections to the Internet, but instead were connected for much longer time periods. Schneier also continued his on-going line of argument for cybersecurity in the public interest, calling for talented technologists to work in government. Schneier's argument for cybersecurity in the public interest was previously covered in Interesting Links: May 4, 2019

  2. New medical procedure could delay menopause by 20 years - IVF specialists in Britain have developed a procedure that may delay the onset of menopause in women. According to the researchers, this would be useful in preventing the osteoporosis and heart conditions that arise out of menopause. Because of the possible link between menopause and Alzheimer's disease in women (covered in [Review] Alzheimer's Prevention: An conversation with Lisa Mosconi), I wonder if this would also have implications for Alzheimer's disease. The operation works by extracting and freezing ovarian tissue from a woman now, and then grafting it back into her body at the onset of menopause, maybe decades later. This costs 7000-11000 pounds ($8400-$1300). So far, 9 women have had their ovarian tissue extracted and frozen. h/t RealClear Science

  3. Astronomers have discovered the largest black hole ever observed - The most massive black hole ever to be observed has been found in the Holm 15A galaxy, about 700 light years away from Earth. The black hole is about 40 billion times more massive than the Sun, so scientists believe that they can use ground based imaging to learn more about it. Black hole imaging was previously covered in Interesting Links: April 20, 2019.

  4. A Boeing code leak exposes security flaws deep in a 787’s guts - Last September, Ruben Santamarta found unprotected code on a Boeing server and downloaded software from the Boeing 737 and 787 aircraft. Now, at the Black Hat security conference, the Madrid-bassd security researcher has announced that he found a path to hack the software, starting at the in-flight entertainment system, and progressively extending privileges to gain access to highly protected systems like flight controls and sensors. Boeing denies that such an attack is possible. Honeywell, who supplied some of the code, also denies that an attack of the type claimed is possible.

  5. STEEM Aurovine - a Leading blockchain based Music ecosystem - In a @steemhunt post, @edje describes the Aurovine platform. According to the description, Aurovine is a blockchain music platform that offers a marketplace, profile space for musicians and fans, streaming services, and a variety of other ways that musicians can earn cryptocurrency. (A 10% beneficiary setting has been assigned to @edje for this post.)

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