Splinterlands Completed 6 Years

Hello and Namaste Everyone,

I want to congratulate the splinterlands team for completing six amazing years. Undoubtedly this is a leading game in the blockchain space and the completion of six years is not a small amount of time. If a crypto project has completed such a long time, it proves the project is strong. My crypto gaming journey was started around the pandemic lockdown which was implemented in 2020. My experience has been good in the game since the beginning and even now I enjoy playing the battles.


Discovery of Splinterlands

I got to know about this game through social media (Twitter). I used to see a lot of posts but had no idea what this game is all about. I started my aiming journey in March 2020. Because I was part of the platform I did log in but could not figure out what to do next. I read the tutorial and many videos on social media to learn about the game and this is how I discovered the game and started playing it.

Duration of Participation

I have completed my four years with this game because my journey started on March 20 and now we are in May 2024. I'm a seasoned player in the game and not a new edition and throughout my journey, my experience has been amazing so far. I believe that the majority of the players in this game are seasoned players and they have been here for a long time and it is because the game is amazing that keeps them engaged.


Time Spent in Splinterlands

Earlier I used to spend a lot of time in the game especially when I started in 2020. I used to play the game for almost half of the day and sometimes the entire day during the pandemic lockdown. This was an entertainment and fun part of my day rescheduled but now I spend less time which is about half an hour and sometimes one hour. It's up to your schedule how much time you can give to the game but I believe at least half an hour is necessary to see how things are going and play some battles to level up the league in the season.


Now I play in gold but earlier in the past, I played in the diamond league which I think is no less than an achievement for me. I don't play tournaments because that is not my thing but I play ranked battles a lot every day and every weekend to increase my overall ranking and move ahead in the league. I can say that my accomplishment was to play internally for some time but after the change, it was not possible now I am trying again.

Upcoming Goals

I have the goal in the game and it is about SPS. I want to have 100K SPS in my game account but I know that this will take some time so that is fine because I have passion and will be working towards making it a reality. I don't care what price SPS has in the market as of now which is known that it is low but it doesn't bother me because I can buy more at this price. It's fine when things are available at low prices because buyers and believers can accumulate more and that same I'm trying to do.

Advice for Beginners

I think one piece of advice I can surely give to all the beginners in the game is to stay engaged with the game and give it some time. It is not the type of game that you can play one day one week or a month instead you can continue to play this game for years. You can continue to build your account and create significant value provided you can give more time and try to build with a certain strategy. Learn about the game and if you are struggling with the card then explore the rental market because that is the place where you can get almost every card these days at very high discounted prices.

a lot is going on in the game and I know that after the recent changes things are even better so I am hoping that it will be even better after a couple of months. The theme is working hard to bring more value and now I believe since the game has survived the bear market the bull market is surely going to bring more value back into the project and probably that will also invite a lot of new players into the game.


[Images are taken from splinterlands wherever the image source is not mentioned]

Thank you so much
Stay Safe

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