A promise kept - The Ink Well Prompt #96

A promise kept.

Many years ago I had to make the decision to emigrate to another country, I was going through a serious economic situation, being in my country many times I had to spend several days without eating anything, just drinking water.

The place where I used to work fired me due to a reduction in personnel, the business was not selling as it used to and sales were gradually decreasing and, just like me, several colleagues were left without a job.

I remember that it was a little complicated for me to get together to leave my country, the truth is that I could not get together almost no money and the only option I found at that time was to take a racing bicycle to leave as an emigrant, I took the bag that I had already prepared for a week, my wife did not want me to leave and less on a bicycle.

How long do you think it will take you to get to the neighboring country? I am confident that you will get there but I don't know how long it will take. - said my wife, I remember she told me with tears coming out of her beautiful brown eyes. Love, don't worry, I hope to make it in less than a month, Besides, I do it so that we both can live as we should, and remember that I am not leaving alone, your cousin Carlos is going with me - I told him. Suddenly there was about 5 minutes of silence before it was time to leave.

After 5 minutes, I say goodbye to the love of my life Margaré, with tears in my eyes I promise her that I will come back for her, that she will wait for me because I will not be away from her for long, I took her in my arms and kissed her, after that I left with my bag on my back, Carlos was already waiting for me at the entrance of the house, we started pedaling to what would be our future.

One day passed and my beloved Margaré called me to tell me that we were going to be parents and that she and the baby would be waiting for me, to go ahead and tell me that they would be fine, the truth is that I was provoked to return, But I had to find the courage to go ahead for the wellbeing of my family, besides Margaré had all his confidence that we would make it.

After 20 days since I left home with Carlos, we are only hours away from arriving in the country that will be our destination, everything we have eaten since we left in bread and water And in the city we stopped we cleaned the front of the businesses for a plate of food, many of those businesses gave us take-out food and others gave us some money to help us on the road.

Finally we arrived, Carlos and I were happy to make it, we began to look for a job, nothing they gave us, we began to see how the hours passed, still nothing, when 7 o'clock at night had arrived, Carlos and I went to a restaurant to apply for a job, they gave it to us without thinking, we started as a waiter.

One year later, I was a cashier and Carlos was the head waiter, we had earned the boss's trust, the following month I took the audacity to request a permit to go to my country to look for my wife Margaré and meet my baby, I still do not know the name I give her, my beloved wife.

The next day I was finishing packing my bag to leave for the terminal to go to my country, I went to work with my bag to say goodbye to Carlos, the boss and other colleagues, then I left for the terminal, Just as a bus was about to leave and I didn't miss the opportunity to buy a ticket to be able to travel on that bus, I got on and went to my seat and fell asleep.

8 hours later, I woke up and we were on our way, 2 days passed and we arrived to my country, I am surprised because I remember that Carlos and I took 20 days by bicycle, today I laugh, I take my bag and go out to take a cab and surprise him, When I got home, I opened the door and Margaré and my baby were asleep, I got on the bed, I lay down next to Margaré, I hugged her and suddenly she screamed! she was scared because she thought I was a thief and when she looked at me she jumped on me and kissed me all over.

By the way my name is: Antonio and my son's name is: Jhonny. And this is my whole story and how I fulfilled the promise I had made to my wife who had confidence in me.

Note: The drawings presented here are of my own authorship and in this occasion were elaborated with Photoshop.


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