Dear Blackout...

Someone told me that they think I am addicted to my phone and laptop. It was very clear why they would think that. Indeed, I can be found on my devices ninety percent of the time. So it's understandable to assume that, yet it is way off the mark from my perspective.

Let's start with this question. Would you tell a farmer that he is addicted to his farm? Your answer could be anything, but you could agree that that's his livelihood and lifestyle.

Truly, being away from my digital devices is unusual for me. I could be engaged in other things outside my phone, like work and social events, but I'd always come back around to do one or two on my phone or laptop.

Knowing that I had intentionally taken whole days off before, I responded that it is only a lifestyle that I am building things around. Almost everything revolves around digital technologies for me. It's how I learn, earn, relax, and connect. And so it is only normal to be found with my phone and PC every time.

If I didn't have these devices in my life, as well as access to the internet, things would be very different for me. There are other things I find interesting and could make a livelihood from.

I have been driving for eight years now. And to me, it's a hobby. Well, if I'm on really good roads and not driving for too long, I enjoy it.

So if the digital technologies somehow stopped working, say some UFO caused it, or whatever happens, I could very well stick with driving to make a living. Depending on where and how you go about it, it could be a really lucrative job. I know people are making good money here by driving.

You know, I was going to even say I could be an Uber driver or something, but guess what? Uber is only possible with digital technologies.

Okay. Now that I think about it, it is going to be really tough to have gotten used to digital devices and have them taken away suddenly. Life as we know it would become primitive again, but it would be way too difficult for most people.

To have fun, I'd likely stick with chess and traveling. I don't like to travel, mainly because of the inconveniences that come with it, but I actually enjoy being in new places and exploring new sights and experiences.

Chess tournaments are what I would be doing more of. I play chess and participate in competitions mostly online, but it's nothing like doing it in person. I haven't been in many, but the few I have played in were something.

But it's a good thing nothing is going to happen to our technologies. That way, there won't be this rather unsettling shift in our lifestyle. I mean, there's so much more to come in the future with the emerging innovations today.

Image credit: olujay

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