Insights on Love, Marriage, singlehood and Divorce

Marriage goes beyond having a romantic relationship. It involves commitment, sacrifices, and lots more. No wonder some people who weren't patient enough to understand what marriage entails prior to saying I do end up regretting their decisions when things go wrong with their relationships.


I have seen some people who are single by choice. There's a particular advanced lady I know who is a barrister, and she simply made the decision to stay single for life. In one of my interactions with her, she said she isn't the type of person who can be totally submissive to a man, especially when it comes to taking a decision that will affect her career. She believes that no man can be trusted, and many other reasons; in other words, a man might agree to her terms prior to the wedding and change narratives afterwards, and her disobedience to whatever decision the man might have against her will might lead to divorce, which she wouldn't want to experience, so to be on the safer side, she has decided to live a single life. This is for this young lady; however, different people have different reasons why they choose to remain single for life. Life is a choice, and everyone is entitled to their respective choices, provided they are something that will make them happy.


Love is a beautiful experience to behold. I have tested it, and I believed! For a wedding to happen, it's also believed that the people involved love each other. But then, what happens after a wedding? Why do people divorce after professing love to each other in public? One thing I know that are great ingredients to a healthy relationship are commitment, communication, supporting each other's dreams, saying I am sorry when you should, showing gratitude; a simple thank you goes a long way in making each other feel valuable for their little good deeds, etc. All these should be practiced by the partners and shouldn't be one-sided.


However, I have never seen a perfect marriage, but I know that some people strive to make their marriage work despite their differences. The two people involved in marriage are humans with different upbringings, different family cultures, and different views on life. This is why it takes patience, understanding, and time to blend together and build a long-lasting relationship, but it becomes difficult to achieve when you can't find the two partners being committed, or there's domestic violence, or perhaps infidelity, and some other negativities you can think of in a relationship. These are things I know that, if not managed well, can lead to divorce; however, if children are already involved, divorce is usually a step that never ends well with the kids.


In conclusion, being single means that you do not commit to anyone, and I do not see it as a bad kind of relationship, just that it has its own pros and cons; it's just a choice. However, for someone who wishes to get involved with marriage, it's wise not to overlook any red signals you notice in a man or in a woman while dating and before saying I do. I believe being intentional with our decisions while in relationships goes a long way in reducing divorce to a large extent.

This post was inspired by the #inleo community and my entry to the #Aprilinleo monthly topic Day 21.Please check out the announcement post to get involved.

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