Frittata Pizza πŸ˜‰ ~Phone Photography Contest -24

Hello everyone, πŸ‘‹ Been raining without letup at my end since Monday, if you're having sunshine I am jealous...

Happy to be able to join in @untilwelearn's #phonography contest 24 this week again after missing last week's.

The past weekend, my brother and his wife were out of town leaving my two nephews behind. So I visited my nephews, (we're just neighbors) and offered to cook them a meal. I got four thumbs up. So that meant a huge YES, PLEASE!

The other morning when my brother walked in my cave (my little house), he tried my egg frittata and he was like, so excited, telling me that the boys would love my frittata. In fact, he called it frittata pizza. πŸ˜„

Because of that, I knew what to serve the boys. My premium egg frittata it is. 😁 I loaded it with veggies and because my brother calls it frittata pizza, I made it look like a pizza. πŸ•

I started it with stir-frying the chopped onions, added the ham, then the red pepper and mushrooms. I put a lid on to cook the mushrooms and after a few minutes I stirred in the spinach. Then I poured in beaten eggs seasoned with salt and pepper. When the frittata was almost set, I topped it with grated cheese, a bit if dried herb and more freshly ground blackpeppercorn. Yummy! πŸ˜‹

Served wih toasts, everyone's tummy's happy! And that made me happy. 😊πŸ₯°β€ Try it, you'll love it! β˜ΊπŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰

This is all for now...Thank you so much for your time and support! πŸ™β€ Have a beautiful weekend, everyone! πŸ€—πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉ

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