Travel to Mae Ai District, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Part 12 : Wat Phawana Nimit, Temples of the TaiYai people in Thailand.

Hello everyone.😊 My wife and I traveled to Mae Ai District again. This time we visited many temples. In this post, I will take everyone to see the temples of the Tai-Yai people who live in the northern of Thailand. This temple is Wat Phawana Nimit.
Wat Phawana Nimit is a common monastery of the TaiYai people. This temple is a small temple located on a hill in RomThai Village. Local people call this temple : Wat Nam Yon. There is no information on when this temple was built.

My wife and I traveled on Highway 107 to Tha Ton Subdistrict. Before reaching the temple, we see the Kok River. Kok River is an important river in this district.

When we reached Tha Ton Subdistrict, we traveled on rural roads in Tha Ton Subdistrict and road over the plateau.

We parked the car outside the temple to see the atmosphere outside the temple first.

The entrance arch of this temple is built in the TaiYai art style, which looks beautiful. The interesting of this arch is the thai long drum-shaped pillars. It looks strange but beautiful and perfect.

In addition, the pillars of the temple wall are also in the shape of thai long drums.

Inside the temple there are 3 architectures, which are created in the TaiYai art style. And the pillars of three architectures are in the shape of thai long drums. The architecture in the middle is the buddha image hall (viharn).

Inside the buddha image hall (viharn), there is a beautiful main buddha statue and the decorations inside the buddha image hall (viharn) are beautiful too.

The architecture on the left and right sides of the buddha image hall (viharn). I don't know what architecture these two architectures are.

Most of the area of ​​the temple is a large courtyard with trees. And there is also the small pavilion with the buddha statues.

These are the stories and photos of Wat Phawana Nimit I want to share for this post. Invite everyone to see and enjoy my stories and photos. Have a great day. See you next time. Thank you for your support and visiting my post. Bye πŸ€—

🌏 Wat Phawana Nimit is located in Tha Ton Subdistrict, Mae Ai District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.

πŸ“· Take photo By Smartphone Xiaomi Note 11 Pro.

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