Weekend Experience 219: In life you have to know how to recognize good advice and put aside bad advice.


Greetings to my respected friends of Hive and this wonderful community of Weekend Experiences, I am very happy to participate in this week 219 where you can answer a series of questions about experiences that have happened to us throughout our lives, this time I called my attention to the question that has to do with the good and bad advice that we have ever received, In life that happens to us many times, but there are some that can mark for good or bad, that is up to us and especially to what kind of advice we pay attention, we have to be very focused and analytical when it comes to implement any suggestion that we are given, hence the importance of always thinking and put on the balance the pros and cons of any decision that we have to execute.


The first question I want to answer is the following:

What was the best advice you ever received?

If I think twice the best advice I have received was given to me by a cousin more than 15 years ago, at that time I was quite unmotivated and wanted to leave my studies, I had my little daughter, the girl's mother had gone to another state and I felt alone and without support, but my cousin noticed my attitude of reluctance and told me he needed to talk to me, he told me some wise words and his advice was not to leave my studies because I was close to finish and that things after getting my degree would be different, After a year and a half of that advice I graduated and it was just as my cousin said, I got a good job, I managed to buy my house, car and gave stability to my daughter, maybe if I had not listened to my cousin my life would have been very different from what it is today.


The second question is the complete opposite of the first one I answered in the last paragraph and goes like this:

What was the worst advice you have ever been given?

The worst advice I have received was given to me by a person I considered my friend about 5 years ago, at that time the economic crisis in my country, Venezuela was getting stronger and people were leaving the country in droves, the advice of that person was to sell my house and leave the country alone, that my daughter was already 18 years old and that she could defend herself and that after all that house was mine because with my effort and work I had bought it, my response to that comment did not take five minutes, I would never leave my daughter in the street and that she still needed me because she was in college, without a doubt not to put into practice that bad advice was one of the best decisions I have made in my life, today my daughter is a professional, we still have the house and that is a heritage for her, we definitely have to know how to take or not an advice, I loved this weekend activity, I thank all the members and administrators of this community for putting into practice these issues, happy weekend.

Language translation: Deepl

Spell check: Spellboy

Cover and banners: Canva


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