Politics and Crypto: A Mixture of Water and Oil

One of the most common scenes in world politics today is very old men competing at the highest levels of government for political positions. Tinubu, a man nearing 90 years old, is ruling a country that requires active participation in governance if the Nigerian economy is to be transformed.

Interestingly, during the campaign, he avoided all forms of political debate and rejected every platform that required him to answer questions from the opposition party. People who campaigned for him claimed he was bigger than such debates, but the truth was that he was a frail old man with numerous medical issues who simply wanted to be president.

During his public speeches, he demonstrated that he was not particularly fit. He could have been at home with his grandchildren playing yoyo or enjoying his retirement years, but the desire for power and status drove him to throw everything he had at becoming president. In the United States, Joe Biden is currently campaigning for a second term against former President Donald Trump.

One would think that a developed country like the United States would know better than to send in two old guards to compete for one of the most powerful seats in world politics. Trump is not really that old; I would say he is still fit, but I just feel like he is had a shot at the presidency before, and I do not think he did anything particularly spectacular.

In terms of Biden, I believe he is anti-crypto, but I also believe he is not well enough to run for another term. However, it begs the question of why these people want to be president at any cost, even if it means giving up their seat to people with better and brighter ideas who are even younger enough to govern. Politics is the same everywhere; politicians are almost identical.

Although I believe West African politics is still in the stone age, in the sense that people practically exchange their votes for a loaf of bread, and elections are prone to manipulation and rigging, overall politicians follow the same strategy: govern at all costs.

Politicians despise cryptocurrency

......owing to the fact that the majority of active and powerful politicians are over the age of 60, and some of their ideas are incompatible with modernization. Crypto is not by the book; it is new, shiny, and reeks of rebellion and freedom, and the government opposes anything that moves people away from centralization, crude banking, and shared ownership.

It is not rocket science, but many people still do not understand why 100% of the world's governments have not adopted cryptocurrency. If it was a cure for cancer, an anti-aging vaccine, or some other strange research, almost every government in the world would have thrown in all of their money.

However, the government is not only not adopting cryptocurrency, but they are also not allowing people to adopt it without difficulty.

It begs the question: why are not younger people actively involved in governance?

It is simple

Politics is a game of experience, not technical expertise. In reality, the ability to govern is not solely dependent on experience, but we believe we have it completely. The process is bureaucratic. This means that a young person may not be able to start early enough, climb all of the available ladders, and reach the top where their decisions will be meaningful.

This typically means that you must accumulate wealth and power over many years, if not decades, before reaching the point where they will begin to matter, and they will be 60 or older.

Take a look at someone like Trump. He was completely anti-crypto, but he is starting to realize it is the new thing. Now, I do not think he is pro-crypto; I think he is managed to be neutral rather than completely anti or pro. So he is using cryptocurrency to campaign for himself, despite the fact that we all know it is a gimmick.

Why can not Biden use cryptocurrency to campaign as well?

It is simple: he is as old as his ideas, and it will be difficult to persuade him to see cryptocurrency in a new light. I am not sure what the majority of Americans think, but Biden is not just old; I believe he lacks new ideas, and I do not blame him; it is difficult to be productive at his age.

He may have had it in the past, but I believe you require a fresh perspective in this day and age. Make no mistake, this is happening all over the world; old people want to rule at any cost, with old ideas, over a new generation.

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