Leap Of Faith

Shield Restricting Negativity

When young it was normal to be raised in a religious faith, most attended Sunday school from baptism to about sixteen, confirmation in many religions a step taken toward adulthood. Living in a home where my Mother never attended anything beyond christenings, marriage, very few funerals with good reason, nothing was forced. My Dad was regular in attendance, devout yet always seeing reason from both sides, always guiding never pushing any agenda.


Faith in religion lost it's appeal early in my early twenties, realization of many religions, one thing I could never find was any where completely right, none completely wrong it depended on the region and circumstance you were born into. Hence I followed more open view accepting all, there is a higher power simply looking at nature, finding my solace there.

My logical side is ultimately constructed on faith, when trying to understand or analyze human society I see little logic in how we behave toward each other, yet all rely on faith in some form or another.

Over the years, friends of Black, White, Coloured, Indian, Asian, taking me into synagogue, mosque, temple, cathedral, orthodox or other churches, many find a link to their ancestors through prayer, who am I to judge when different tribes are distributed throughout our world.


This week we voted in good faith, one never knows what will happen, it stands to reason to wait, watch how society reacts, Reasoning it should be better is not the same as knowing, faith comes after reason, although we do things in the faith allowing us to grow together as a nation for good reason.

Nature is my shield restricting negativity daily, birds make me smile, often carry deeper meaning. It has been a bird of any species visit me after loss of close family or friends.


Our ultimate end, goal or purpose of life we travel the path daily in faith, leaving home that we will return safely. Plants grow through seasons, as do humans, plants do it more logically than we do, we forever swayed this way or that considering life and it's meaning, faith is one day we might understand, alas I don't think I ever will!

Nature inspires me daily of what tomorrow might bring, science is factually based so they say, for me this is a confusing prospect after the past few years where recognized scientists are ignored!


Daily one clings to many things we cannot see nor understand, we carry on in faith within our own reasoning of right or wrong. None of us are born with logic or reasoning yet we feel faith toward a greater being, never fully understanding life itself.

No cop-out I believe we are one within all religions, why we constantly at war is conflicting. My soul is at peace watching nature in all it's grandeur, accepting one life will eat the next for survival, we are all selfish in protecting what we perceive in this moment in time. We need to think, find evidence, keep moving forward right to the end when we return to dust, or as I call it 'star dust'.


My answer to @ericvancewalton question - Faith? How would you describe your faith journey?


Thought for Today: "A parent should not give up modelling their children because the ancestors too never give up on us." - African Proverbs




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