A Clear No To Fast Food !

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is Cooking Or Fast Food

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Nowadays, we spend most of our time watching YouTube, Facebook and other social media apps, and these apps are playing ads sponsored by these big companies trying to sell their products including food and other products.

It is human nature that we are influenced by what we see, which has made us fall into branded clothes as well as fast food. we have started eating fast food more often. It has become a part of our life.

Some of us even know the side effects of eating Fast food, but still, we don't care about it.

But I am a different kind of person who likes to stick to nature and things done in a pure natural way. These fast-food companies don't care much about hygiene, so if there is a situation in my life where I am busy and don't have time to cook.

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I will try my level best to manage my time and cook for myself. because I know if I order fast food or food from outside, I will lose my health and I won't be able to work properly, My productivity will decrease, and that is one thing that I would never want in my life.

People think cooking can take a lot of time, but I don't think the same, Cooking can be very fast if you only focus on it and don't focus on other things happening around you. It is my idea that, if we cook with full focus we can easily cook any dish in 30-45 minutes.

I think everyone can easily manage to cook even with a busy schedule.

Home-cooked meals often come with a sense of responsibility and care that's difficult to find in fast food, Additionally, home-cooked meals allow for more control over ingredients, making it easier to prioritize health and dietary preferences. Our food will be of our choice which will make it more enjoyable to eat. I know it will be very difficult for modern kids to agree with me, but this is how things are. I am an old school and i will always try to write about nature and organic things. I will always prefer nature over these artificial things/food.

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