It's about to "End"

It's approximately 2.00 right now, and at the current moment I am feeling very happy and relaxed because right now I have finished writing my research paper. Tomorrow I just need to submit my research paper, and that's all.

Since last month, especially in the last three weeks, the pressure of writing research papers has been overwhelming for me. For the first time, I completed writing a research paper, and it's my final task before graduation. After that, I just need to wait for the result.

During that time, I felt writing a research paper was more difficult than doing research and collecting data for research. I faced huge difficulties organizing the data. The possible reason might be my lack of experience writing research papers. I felt very irritated to write a research paper because I needed to give a lot of time continuously for it, and my Hive activity has been reduced greatly in the last two or three weeks. Even in my examination time, Hive activity didn't reduce like this time. Whatever, it's about to end, and from tomorrow on, I will be a free bird.

It's already late at night, and I am still writing this because sleep is not coming to my eyes because of excitement. Everything is okay, but one piece of news I received a few moments ago made me a little bit sad. The news was that some school friends arranged an adventure trip for tomorrow, and it was a sudden plan, and they informed me about it. Unfortunately, tomorrow I need to go to university to submit my research paper, and I won't be able to join in the adventure. I wish I could join them tomorrow. But it's okay again because I am also making plans to make another adventure within a short time.

My plan for tomorrow is almost set. From morning to evening, I will be at the university. After submitting the research paper, I will spend some time with my friends. I don't know all of them who are staying at my university to complete their master's degrees. So officially, this can be the last meeting with many friends, especially those who are planning to go abroad for study.

Although it should be an emotional situation for everyone, I don't think it's applicable for us because we already spent an extra 3 years to complete our graduation.

I think it's enough for today, and I have shared my genuine meaning without any kind of moderation. I hope you loved reading this simple post.

I apologize to those commentators who commented on my last post. I noticed that there were some comments, but I didn't reply to most of them because I was under pressure, and right now I think I need to go to sleep. But I promise that I will reply to everyone tomorrow, and I will be super active from tomorrow or from the next day after tomorrow, as I will have plans to watch an anime after returning to my home.

The picture used here belongs to me.

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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