Finding the balance in life

Life is uncertain, and all of us know it pretty well. Nobody knows what will happen in the next moment. The life of a human can't go smoothly because it's not a video game. Ups and downs both are the part of life. Sometimes we have a lot of time to spend, and sometimes we can't manage time for ourselves either. Many things happen in life, and surprisingly, we adapt ourselves to our ongoing situation, and it's because we find a balance in life.

It's true that every day is not the same, but most of the time we complete our tasks in a circular way. It's like waking up almost at the same time, going to work, school, or university, doing the regular tasks, and sleeping almost at the same time. For our regular daily activities, we already found a balance system earlier.

In my case, before my exam, I used to do my breakfast after waking up, and after that, I went to university. After returning from there, I needed to go to do my tuition, and most of the time I came home after 9.00 p.m. So in the normal case, I didn't have too much time left at night either. In this kind of time, most of my time was fixed, and there was no chance to change the routine unless any uncertain thing occurred. I didn't have too many tasks to perform, so finding a balance was not so difficult, but I faced trouble remaining active in Hive. So I tried to figure out some time from my daily activities, and at night I was super active in Hive. I used to think about what to write for the post while walking. It was my way of finding a balance.

Then my exams started, and in such moments I needed more time to focus on my study. Study and my tution were staying against each other in the exam time because both were taking up a good amount of my time and I needed to choose one between the two. Study was/is very much needed for my future career, and on the other hand, tuition was giving me cash each month. I prioritized my study, and I left all the tutions thinking about a longer timeframe. I knew that decision would have some financial impact, but I needed to sacrifice it to expect a better future. Again, in the ongoing time, managing my Hive activity was very difficult, but I was determined not to take a break from Hive considering many things. So 20/25 minutes later, I used to take a break from my study and give Hive 4-5 minutes. In that way, I wasn't inactive in Hive, and it was beneficial for my study because that thing didn't allow me to bore while studying.

After finishing the theory exam, the pressure of the exam reduced a lot, but I needed to start my work related to research. And it was the time of Ramadan. I needed some extra time for salat of tarabi and reading the Quran. So those things took time, which I got extra after the theory exam. Did you notice that the balance was automatically created? Actually, it's not created automatically. I need it to make a routine to find balance, and for that, I also need to sacrifice my sleeping time.

Now my university started again, and instead of it, I have some spare time because it's not so busy like the time when I was giving exams. So at this time, I am doing my best to make my research paper better, and some of the time I am also using this Hive platform. This is how I found the balance of current time. I have plans to do new tuition, and I know pretty well that I will find a balance at that time.

You might think that I am acting like a robot. I also agree with it. Actually, I have a robotic mentality, and it helps me find balance in life easily. Instead of it, I try to go outside for trips and spend some quality time with nature. It's because I know that I am not a robot, and it doesn't matter if I have the mentality of a robot or not; I am a human at the end, and that's the reality, and I can't change it. I think this is the activity that helps me to remain stress-free, and in addition, I have a clam mind, which I got genetically from my father. So balancing my mental health is not so difficult for me.

I believe that everything in this world has a balance. For a little time, imbalance may be possible, but somehow, mysteriously, it will be balanced.


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