My Three Favourite Posts Challenge

A couple of months back I read a post by @livinguktaiwan that stuck in my memory about her favourite three posts. I thought it was a great idea at the time. Finally I'm getting round to doing the same !

Post One - Revisiting the church where my wife and I got married

First up is a post I had forgotten about. We'd been on holiday for a week in Anglesey in North Wales where my wife is from, just over two years ago, and we visited the church where we had gotten married ! Full post here:


Just seeing the post again brings back quite a few memories from the day we got married (which is nearly 20 years ago now):

  • I had two best men. We arrived at the church before everyone, and were sat down at the front waiting for everyone to arrive including my wife-to-be. They were so nervous, that I was comforting them, but also saying to them at the same time that it was them that was supposed to be comforting me - I was meant to be the nervous one. It always makes me laugh thinking back about it,
  • The church had a ladies choir, and they actually came and sang during the wedding ceremony. It was lovely, a really nice memory for us.

Then the pic above is one of the gravestones just outside the church. I can remember everyone gathering outside the church just after we had gotten married. It was lovely speaking to everyone, and everyone was congratulating us both and calling us Mr and Mrs for the first time !

Post two - My first wednesday walk post

I like this for two main reasons:

  1. It was based on taking my daughter to school, and the things we saw on the way. I've always loved taking my daughter to and from school, although now that she is 15 - she does not want her dad around ! We used to have lovely chats and fun along the way, and its brought back lovely memories of that.
  2. Wednesday Walk was one of the first community orientated things I got into here on Hive. I still post regularly on wednesday walk, and think its a great Hive initiative (thanks to @tattoodjay - your work on it really is appreciated !). I love reading the posts from around the world, because they generally allow everyone to present an everyday slice of their life, and I really like seeing that from a different perspective. I find it really educational, and I love waiting to see what people will post about. The initiative has also made me get of my lazy behind and go for a walk on many occasions, when I could easily have sat back and done nothing - so I'm also grateful for that too !

Full post here:


Post Three - My first Saturday Savers Club Post

I've really enjoyed being a part of the Saturday Savers Club - a big thank you goes out to @shanibeer for organising it. I've been an active member in it for just over 2 years now, and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I dont think I've missed making a weekly post on it, in all of that time, and I still look forward to making me weekly post on my progress each saturday morning. Heres a link to my first post:


The club has allowed me to really think and plan about my savings and investments in such a way that I've done way better than I would have otherwise. I've met some great people in the club and still interact with them weekly. I've also learned a huge amount from reading posts from the other members about how to save and invest, investment projects, tokens and the like - it really has been educational, and very supportive.

I've enjoyed it so much that a year go I started getting more involved with the club and now produce one of the clubs weekly posts where I nominate four savers of the week for some wider attention and a few nice prizes provided by generous members from within the club. It really is fun to give a little back.

Looking back at that first post is really interesting. I had only been on Hive for around 4 months and was still finding my feet. My token count was quite small, and has since grown considerably, in all except one. Looking back at that post, I had 131 HBD in savings - I now only have 15 ! At the time the price of HIVE was around $1.20, and when it crashed down to around $0.33 I traded in my HBD for HIVE as it seemed like a good deal (and was still the right decision). I still plan to buy back into HBD when the price rises - thats been quite a few months waiting now, and I could have quite a few more to go. However, thats illustrative of the type of thing that the saturday savers club has taught me over the months, and I'm very appreciative of that.

So that wraps up my three favourite posts. I've enjoyed looking back through my old post to pick out these three. One of the shocking things was that I was seeing some of my initial posts and can remember making them like it was only a few months ago. I was actually really surprised that some of them were so long ago (2 years+) - I could have sworn that it was only about 6 months ago. How time flies. I've enjoyed my time on Hive, and I plan to continue to enjoy it - its a great community and thats what I like best about it - the people !

Many thanks - all the best from Scotland - cheers @hoosie

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