Wednesday Walk - Edinburgh Morning School Run (walk !)

I'm lucky enough to live close enough to my Daughter's school that we can walk her there and back, which is pretty handy considering we live in a city (Edinburgh in Scotland). Inspired by the Wednesday Walk posts, I took some pics on my phone on the way there and back this morning.
It was just getting light when we left the house - there was a nice sunrise with some associated atmospherics - although because we were on the hoof this pic didnt quite turn out too well !
On the way too school we kept passing a lot of discarded Christmas trees. Edinburgh City Council was uplifting trees from the kerbside today, as it is quite hard to get rid of them in the city - and so lots of people left them out for them to be taken away. By the time I went to pick my daughter up from school in the afternoon they were all gone.

I've taken many pics of the tree in the picture above. Its on the way to the school, and I guess at some point it was hit by a car or something, and is now titled at quite an angle across the path - however it is still healthy and growing.

The sunrise was causing a nice golden glow in the sky as can be seen here, which was taken from the top of the road her school is on.
Also along the same road is this nice post box - what I like about it is that its quite old. The squiggly insignia on it just below the white notice is VR - which stands for Victoria Regina. So this box was put here during the reign of Queen Victoria - so its been here for atleast 121 years, and still being used daily - its probably had quite a few coats of paint in its time though !

Here you can see the sunrise further along the same road along, with some Christmas Tree lights still up in someone's front garden !

I caught the picture above as I was making my way home back after dropping off my daughter - some nice atmospherics was causing these clouds to take an orange hint in the morning light.

By the time I was nearly home, it was getting lighter, and the morning colours were beginning to fade.

And this is the last pic I took just outside our house before getting home - a nice clear morning indeed, with the trees providing some nice black outlines to contrast against the sky.

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