Lucky and guilty


Apparently the "hop on - hop off" buses are very popular all over the world. What happened to the tourists, don't they like walking anymore?

I have always thought that the best way to know a city is by walking. And I have walked for hours and hours in each and every city that I have ever visited.

I can understand that the bus is less tiring and more time efficient. But if you are in a hurry even in your vacations, what's the point of having a vacation in the first place?

The way I see it, those busses are like fast food. They are an easy and quick substitute but they are far from the real experience!





I shouldn't be unfair though. There were hundreds of people walking all over the town and only a few dozens on the bus!
Not to mention that with the heat we are having today in Greece, I might have chosen the substitute myself, instead of a long walk under the hot sun :)

Which is the reason why I am home in the middle of the day, writing a post with pictures that I took last week, instead of being outside walking or, at least having a swim at the sea. But it is too hot even for that!



For those that have missed my previous posts, I am in Crete and this is Iraklio, the capital, main port and biggest town (almost a city) of the island!

Like in last week's post I am walking in the historical centre, searching for interesting snapshots of the town itself and the life within.

Street art is what caught my eye this time. I don't remember seeing those before, so they must be relatively new.




And as I was continuing my carefree walk, among hundreds of people, locals or tourists, lost in their own thoughts, with their small or big problems (where should I eat lunch, how am I going to pay the rent next month, do I have to take my dog to the vet, do I look nice wearing that new blouse etc, etc), there was a small message written on a wall that reminded me that most of our "problems" would be considered happiness in other places of the world. Many places that are ruled by horror, suffering and death.

And I felt lucky to be where I am, that I was born where I was born, to be here, now.

Lucky and guilty.




This is my contribution to the #wednesdaywalk. My best wishes for quick recovery to @tattoodjay, the host of this wonderful challenge. Hopefully he'll be out walking and taking pictures himself very soon!

The camera that I used is a Canon EOS 6D mark II with an EF 24-105mm f4/L zoom lens attached. I edited the photographs in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic

All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

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