Blogging Challenge The TV show that has marked you the most in your childhood. (Day 5)


30 Días Blogging Challenge
El programa de televisión que más te ha marcado en tu Infancia. (Día 5)

During my childhood time I liked to watch the Cartoon series called Tom and Jerry.

Durante el tiempo de mi infancia me gustaba ver la serie de Dibujo Animado llamada Tom y Jerry.


Tom es el Protagonista de la serie Animada, es un Gato Doméstico, camina en dos patas y su pelaje es color azul ruso, se caracteriza por ser un personaje estúpido, y violento en su búsqueda de capturar a Jerry.

Tom is the main character of the animated series, he is a domestic cat, he walks on two legs and his fur is Russian blue, he is characterized for being a stupid and violent character in his quest to capture Jerry.



Jerry es un Ratón, su color es marrón, se caracteriza por ser Astuto y tener suerte, la trama trata de que Jerry consiga mil formas para atraer la atención de Tom.

Jerry is a Mouse, his color is brown, he is characterized by being Atute and having luck, the plot is about Jerry getting a thousand ways to attract Tom's attention.

Amigos y Rivales / Friends and Rivals

A pesar que Tom no se comunicaba frecuentemente con Jerry, porque pasaban la mayor parte del Tiempo en un Corre corre, El Gato persiguiendo al Ingenioso Ratón, la trama muestra un enlace o conexión entre ambos personajes, me imagino porque ambos Vivian en la misma propiedad según su lugar. Tom por ser el Gato Doméstico de la Dueña de la Casa y Jerry por ser un inquilino casi por obligación!

Although Tom didn't communicate frequently with Jerry, because they spent most of the Time in a Run Run Run, The Cat chasing the Ingenious Mouse, the plot shows a link or connection between both characters, I imagine because they both lived in the same property according to their location. Tom for being the House Cat of the Mistress of the House and Jerry for being a tenant almost by obligation!


Imagen editada por la Autora

Amor y Odio

La relación entre ambos personajes resultaba violenta porque el estúpido Tom utilizaba cualquier Herramienta tratando de capturar al Astuto Jerry, quien siempre se salía con las suyas, sim embargo en algunas ocasiones Tom muestra preocupación por Jerry hasta busca el Botiquín de primeros Auxilios para prestar su ayuda.
La serie Animada me gustaba mucho, porque me identificaba con el Personaje de Jerry, quien utilizaba su astucia por conseguir lo que quería, la mayor parte de su tiempo la pasaba buscando comida, porque era un ratón independiente e ingenioso, además le gustaba comer y dormir rico!

The relationship between both characters was violent because the stupid Tom used any Tool trying to capture the Smart Jerry, who always got away with it, however in some occasions Tom shows concern for Jerry and even looks for the First Aid Kit to help him.
I liked the Animated series very much, because I identified with the character of Jerry, who used his cunning to get what he wanted, most of his time was spent looking for food, because he was an independent and ingenious mouse, he also liked to eat and sleep well!

Además, de inquieto, proactivo, travieso, ingenioso y provocador, Jerry se la Llevaba bien con Tom, ambos reconocían sus Debilidades y Fortalezas.
La serie me marcó porque desde niña fui muy independiente y me preocupaba por la alimentación de mi familia cuando en pocas veces escaseaba, siempre tuve la iniciativa de salir a conseguir el pan de cada Día!
Cada escena me enseñó a ser tan fuerte, ingeniosa y astuta como Jerry quien sin importar su tamaño siempre se enfrentaba a Tom quien resultaba en Fracaso, en cambio Jerry siempre Salía Airoso!

Mi post está inspirado en el Tema del Día 5 del Blogging Challenge by @tripode e inspirado por mis vivencias durante la etapa de mi niñez.

Besides being restless, proactive, mischievous, witty and provocative, Jerry got along well with Tom, they both recognized their Weaknesses and Strengths.
The series marked me because since I was a child I was very independent and worried about my family's food when it was seldom scarce, I always had the initiative to go out and get my daily bread!
Every scene taught me to be as strong, resourceful and cunning as Jerry who no matter his size always stood up to Tom who resulted in Failure, on the other hand Jerry always came out Successful!

My post is inspired by the Day 5 Theme of the Blogging Challenge by @tripode and inspired by my childhood experiences.


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