People Are Gross

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about how people are just fucking gross!


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People Are Gross

Need I say more? Well ok if you insist..

Recently I was at a work event, the work that is on the more professional side, where there are highly accomplished and highly educated people all around me. It's a pretty normal atmosphere for me, as I've been in the environment for decades at this point. Even though I've been in it for so long, people find a way to surprise me, and this wasn't in a good way LOL.


The events that I work at are full of people who are incredibly brilliant, accomplished people. This should normally mean that they are smart, and have some type of manners.. but that is definitely not the case with this fella!

We were sitting in the longue area, and there was a tray of snacks nearby. He was just in a working setting so he was taking a break before getting back to it. He goes over to the snack table and grabs a few, which is all well and good. When he starts to eat them though, this dude was chewing with his fucking mouth open like he was a cow or horse in a barn eating hay! The dude was disgusting LOL


He was chewing so fucking loud, smacking his lips and just being overall obnoxious, it was very annoying to listen to. I am not one to care about people and their habits, for the most part, but this dude chowing down on food and not keeping his fucking mouth closed when he was doing it, was amazing to me. How did he get to such a high stature in his field, but completely fucking lack any table manners? Good lord, people are nasty!

This isn't the first, nor will it be the last time that I encounter these types of people. I really try not to be judgmental on these things, as everyone is different but there should be some type of standard for this thing.. we weren't sitting at McDonald's eating some bullshit food from there, this was a professional setting. I felt embarrassed for the dude, honestly. He sadly didn't have a friend in his life, or even a partner, who would tell him close your fucking mouth when you are eating food. Obviously his momma ain't helping him since he never got the memo from her!

I was glad when the dude left and went back to what he was doing, because damn it was that nasty. I lost my appetite on that after a little bit lol but thankfully it returned later on.


What about you, have you experienced people who are over-the-top obnoxious with things like this? What happened? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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